“Lots of money to be made there.”
“Oh Jo what happened?” Wes said quietly.
On the way back to T.U.F.’s to examine the tape better they drove past Jo’s townhouse.
Jo’s car was there and lights were on in her living room. For a second Wes thought maybe she’d come home, but he knew Jo would be too smart to take her car anywhere near the site.
Andy pulled up and Wes and Jace went to her door. Wes could hear someone inside and when the door opened Wes almost fell to his knees. Jo was standing just inside the kitchen area. There were three other people inside the townhouse, Auggie, Nick, and another man.
Wes took two steps towards Jo when Auggie grabbed his arm.
“That’s Lou Wes, Lou.”
Wes felt like he’d done a loop de loop on a roller coaster. He froze in his place and Jace stepped to his side.
“Holy Shit they're identical.” Jace whispered.
Lou had been crying and she looked so much like Jo that Wes was having trouble reigning in his own emotions.
“I’m Lou, are you Wes?”
“This is my husband Pete and I know you’ve met Nick.”
Wes looked at the men and shook Pete’s hand. When he looked at Nick he noticed that he wouldn’t look directly at him. Wes thought it odd, but since Jo’s little chat with him when they’d been in the car, he just figured he was still sore.
“Someone tore this place up.” Auggie said to Wes.
Wes looked around and saw how everything was ripped or pulled out. Someone was looking for something.
“Is her computer here?” Wes asked.
“No her purse is but I can’t find her phone.”
Neither Wes nor Jace offered up the fact that they had it.
“Are you looking for her Wes?” Lou asked.
“I am; we are.”
“Find her Wes she’s been gone too long.” Auggie was broken up as well.
“I’ll keep you posted. You’ve called the police?”
“Yes we filed a report a few days ago.”
“Okay if you hear from her…”
“Don’t worry I’ll let you know.” Auggie said as he walked them outside the door.
“Wes.” Auggie placed a hand on his arm. “I can’t believe you would think she would ever leave you. She loves you.”
“We were arguing Auggie. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”
“You flew home from Italy?”