“Oh God.” Wes was flipping through the scenarios in his head. “It’s that case, it’s got to be. Did he say anything else?”
“No just that when he talked to her last Thursday morning she said she was hoping to wrap everything up soon.”
“Shit. Guys I’m on my way. Andy trace her phone, credit cards, you know the routine. And get someone to cover me here in Italy.”
Wes made the limo driver pull over and he asked Mr. Flint if he could talk with him privately. The two men exited the limo. Wes told him that an emergency had presented itself and he had to leave. Wes was worried that the wealthy mogul might flip out, but instead he said, “If you’re going after that girl that has you tied in knots I’m surprised you lasted this long.”
Wes looked at him like he’d grown another head.
“You’re not the only one who can read people son. Go do what you need to do.”
They reentered the limo and Mr. Flint told the driver to head for the private airstrip where his company jet was. He then floored Wes by calling his pilot and asked him to file a flight plan immediately to Morristown Airport. Mr. Flint told the pilot he wanted 'wheels up in thirty'.
Wes reached the T.U.F. office eight hours later. Jace looked up from his chair and Andy who was sitting in the oversized chair straightened up. It was early Wednesday evening and they had not been successful in locating her.
“What have you got?” Wes said his voice strained.
“She rented a night vision camera last Wednesday.” Jace said. “She went to Wal-Mart and bought a blanket, a knit cap, a pair of sneakers, a box of dog biscuits, and some diapers.”
“That’s what the receipt says.”
Wes thought back to when he had made love to Jo those two times without a condom on and he winced.
“They aren’t for her man.” Jace said perceptively.
“Yeah, I know.”
“Wes did she say anything to you about what she was doing?”
Wes thought about it and then he remembered the Cardboard Corner. “Oh my God, Cardboard Corner. Come on.” Wes was out the door before he finished his sentence and Andy and Jace followed.
“Where we going?” Jace asked as they jogged to Andy’s truck.
“We had a fight about her hanging out at Cardboard Corner next to the construction site.”
“You think she’s there?”
“I’m fucking praying.”
They parked a block away and the three men walked towards the vacant lot strewn with makeshift shelters.
“She wanted to hang out here?” Jace asked skeptically.
“That’s the construction site she’s investigating.” Wes said nodding at the now quiet site since it was after 5:00pm.
“Pretty smart.” Andy ventured.
“Yeah.” Wes said softly thinking what a hard ass he'd been.
As they approached a dog started barking and a large man dressed in fatigues stood with his arms crossed watching them closely.
“Guys wait here.” Wes said. Jace and Andy stopped walking and watched as Wes approached the man. No one else was visible to the men.
Wes walked towards the man debating which approach to use with him.
“Sir, my name is Wes Tobin.” Wes put his hand out to be shaken. He recognized a fellow veteran. “Special Forces Afghanistan.”