Jo had emailed back the people in Chicago explaining that she appreciated the opportunity, but she couldn’t leave the area at the moment. A niggle of trepidation dug at her. The fact that she was turning down an interview because she just couldn’t bring herself to leave Wes might not have been the smartest thing to do, but emotionally it was the only thing she could do. There was no way she could leave him.
Unfortunately her parents were starting to hound her so she told them about the interview, saying that it was just a formality and that she basically had the job. Jo hoped that the lie would appease them for a few weeks and by the time she was supposed to have her fake interview; she will have found another job.
sp; The next few weeks were spectacular for the happy couple. Wes was settled back at work full time. Jo had taken him for a follow up doctor's visit and the doctor was amazed with Wes’ speedy recovery. When Jo and Wes weren’t together they stayed in touch with texts and phone calls. Jo often found herself smiling for no reason at all. They spent every night together, sometimes at her place others at his.
Wes had secured a new client that had requested Wes' body guarding services personally, because of the heroic way he had saved Ginger Lola’s life. The billionaire wanted Wes to travel with his family for a couple weeks while they were in Europe. Wes explained that T.U.F.’s would take on the job, but he could not personally accompany them, and that T.U.F.’s would provide someone else.
Jo had been worried when he had initially told her about the job, but she never revealed to Wes how her heart ached thinking that he might take the assignment. When she found out that he wouldn’t be going she still never said anything to him, but she rewarded him that night.
Jo had run into Nick a few times but he remained aloof and Jo couldn’t help but feel sad that their friendship was over. She began to run in earnest again, but now she always varied her routes and along with her iPhone she also carried mace. Wes tried to get her to work out at the gym, but Jo refused and it had been a small bone of contention between them. He was still worried for her safety.
Jo had received the list of investors in the mail and so many things clicked into place. The most notable name she saw was that of Henry, her old boss. There were also a few shell companies listed and Jo was slowly delving into their origins. Jo knew that shell companies invested for persons who wanted to remain anonymous and often had shady business standards. It made sense now as to why she’d been dismissed from the paper.
She had been sharing her progress with Wes daily and when she pointed out Henry’s name on the list of investors to him and he looked at the other names, he became very concerned. Wes offered to run the shell companies through his computers data base, but Jo politely told him she wanted to do this on her own.
On Friday night Jo once again sang at the bar. Wes had come in later after working a party on a yacht. He looked handsome in his lightweight suit. Jo could see how tired he was and during her last set she watched as his eyes drooped and then snapped back open. Wes helped her load her guitar in the back of her car and before she could get in Wes had wrapped her tightly into his arms and his mouth had found hers.
When he lifted from her Jo was feeling needy and she wished they were already home. “What was that for?” She asked huskily.
“I really missed you today.” Wes said seriously.
“I missed you too.” Jo said pulling him in for another kiss.
The kiss was intimate and wonderfully familiar. It bespoke of things to come. Jo pushed back on Wes’ chest giving him a knowing smile.
“Your place or mine?” Wes asked opening her car door for her.
“Yours is closer.” She said sitting down.
“Closer's good.” Wes said patting her roof and heading towards his car.
Jo pulled into a visitor spot and met Wes in the lobby of his building. He took her by the hand and kissed it gently. In the elevator ride up to Wes’ top floor condo Wes told Jo about the yacht he’d been on. T.U.F.’s job that night was providing security to party goers on the yacht.
“I drew the short straw and had to be on the actual yacht.” Wes was telling her.
“Where were Andy and Jace?”
“Jace was in a separate boat that rode around the yacht all night.”
“And Andy?”
“He’s looking for a missing teenager.”
“Oh that would be awful.” Jo sympathized.
Wes gathered her close resting his chin on her head.
“The parents are a mess.” He confided.
When they got inside Wes’ condo he asked her what she'd done all day. Jo didn’t want to lie, but she knew his overprotective nature would never allow her to do what she had spent the day planning for. Something she was doing Sunday night so she decided to redirect his question a little.
“I discovered that a shipment of wood is being delivered Sunday night.” She said nonchalantly.
Wes was so tired Jo realized that he was barely listening.