Page 84 of One Tough Love

Jo burst out laughing swatting at his chest and Wes peppered her face with little kisses.

They made the dinner and sat down to watch the movie. Jo had had a nap so she wasn’t tired and Wes must have had a nap as well because he stayed awake through the entire movie as well.

After the movie Wes stood up. “Thanks for dinner Jo.” He gave her a light kiss.

“You’re welcome. I’m sorry it was so late. I guess I still had to catch up on sleep.”

Wes turned to leave and Jo caught his hand. “Want to sleepover?”

Wes looked like he’d hit the lottery his smile was huge and Jo laughed.

They climbed on to Jo’s bed and ying and yanged themselves.

“I missed you today.” Wes said sleepily.

“I missed you too.” Jo instantly felt guilty not telling Wes about the interview in Chicago. She didn’t want to get into in with him now so she told herself she’d tell him tomorrow. They both drifted off to sleep.

When Jo got up in the morning Wes was already awake. He must have gotten the paper from the box on the street corner because when she found him in the kitchen he was drinking coffee and reading the paper looking very domesticated. Her heart pitty pattered in her chest. She could get used to seeing him every morning.

“Good morning sweetness.” He said putting the paper down.

“Good morning to you too.” She said giving him a kiss.

“So what are your plans for today?” He asked.

“I want to work on my case. I haven’t looked at it in over a week.”

“Can I look at it with you?”

“Okay.” She said hesitantly. Wes knew he was in uncharted territory with her regarding her work so decided to tread lightly.

“I’m just going to be an extra set of eyes Jo, don’t worry.”

That seemed to settle Jo. “I’m going to go home and shower. I have a few business calls to make. How about if I come back here later and we look through it together?”

“Okay Wes good plan.” His ability to read people was paying off big time right now.

After Wes left Jo lay out all the notes she’d been collecting. She wrote down things she needed to look at:

Materials – where are they coming from?

Who’s ordering them?

Materials being switched by haulers?

Building inspectors how often do they show up?

Check out architect, foremen, and investors.

Jo decided to take a break and go for a run. She didn’t want to look like she was stalking Wes so she opted for a different route, not the one in the State Park either.

When she returned Wes was sitting on her porch. She could see he’d been worried, but he was doing a great job of masking it.

“I’m fine Wes. I just went for a run.”

Wes snorted. “I see that now.”

“Oh was this one of those times I should have texted you?’ Jo teased him.