Page 82 of One Tough Love

“Yup. Seems my man thought I would be here twenty-four / seven.”

“You don’t want to be?” Andy asked seriously.

“Andy it would be so easy for me to lose myself being with him. I have work to do, I have my own place. He’s going back to work next week. As much as I’d like to wrap him up and keep him with me all the time I can’t. He’d come to hate me. I’m not pulling away; trust me. I couldn’t if I tried.”

Jo thought Andy was satisfied with her answer, because he let it drop. After he drove away from her house he pulled to the curb and called Wes.


“Relax man. She is so into you, but she made a valid point. You both have to live your own lives and slowly learn to mix them. She is being smart Wes. She’s afraid you’ll tire of her and…”

“I wouldn’t.”

“You don’t know that. Besides what about next week when you come back to work? How would that make Jo feel if she stayed with you letting her jobs take a backseat to being with you and then when you come back to work you would be leaving her. That would be shitty.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m still worried about her staying safe and fuck if I don’t miss her already.”

Andy chuckled. “Get some rest bro. We need you back at the office and I have a feeling your little angel is going to have you running.”

“Thanks for the call Andy.”

“No problem.”

Chapter 26


Jo went for a run around the lake and because she had texted Wes beforehand she laughed when she saw him sitting on his balcony using binoculars to watch her. She waved cheerily at him blowing him a kiss, relishing that wonderful feeling of knowing someone cares for you.

After her run and shower Jo sat down at her computer and saw she had landed an interview at The Chicago Times. Her initial response was elation but her second thought was of Wes and what they were starting to build. She tapped out a response to them. She also received an email regarding another singing gig. She still had never discussed with Wes that Jill had let her go. She didn’t think Wes knew about it and she sure as heck didn’t want to stir up any trouble. The bar she would play in was in Morgis. It was a well known establishment that was renowned for hosting top bands on Thursday through Saturday nights. They asked her to play next Thursday. Her time was slotted as 9:00pm to 11:30pm and she could take two breaks. She would be paid 300 dollars, plus any tips she collected didn’t need to be shared with the bartenders or waitress staff. Jo replied that she would be there.

Next Jo went food shopping. She bought staples and she also bought steaks, potatoes and salad fixings to take to Wes’ later on. She bought him a six pack of his favorite beer and picked up the movie The Expendable’s. She thought he’d like that. She hadn’t decided whether or not she should spend the night there yet but she figured she could play that by ear.

After shopping Jo lay down on the couch and awoke to some serious banging coming from her front door. When she opened it Nick stood there looking disheveled, which was totally out of character for him.

“You’re back. Finally.”

“I am.”

“Where did you go?”

“My family’s Lake house.”

“Oh.” He said feebly. Nick looked upset.

“You should have told me. I was worried.”

“I’m sorry I just needed to get out of town.”

“Yeah I understand. Umm, did you hear that Wes was shot?”

Nick wasn’t sure what Jo’s reaction was going to be but it certainly wasn’t what he expected.

“I know I was with him at the hospital.”


p; “Really? Why?”