Wes got a stupid grin on his face.
“Oh, unless you weren’t sleeping the whole night.” Andy teased.
“Shut it bro.” Wes said without malice forcing Andy to grin.
They were sitting at the kitchen table enjoying the bagels and coffee when Jo appeared in the doorway. She had put his tee shirt back on and she shyly peeked around the corner.
“Good morning baby.” Wes said cheerfully. “It’s just Andy. Come have a bagel.”
“Just Andy? Man I’m hurt. Just Andy with bagels.” Wes’ friend pretended to be hurt.
Jo walked into the kitchen patted Andy on the shoulder as she said good morning to him and before she could pull out a chair Wes had drawn her onto his lap. He kissed her cheek and Jo melted into his arms.
“Very nice you guys.” Andy said contently. He loved that Wes had found someone that obviously cared for him.
Jo blushed. Wes rubbed his hand up and down her back.
“It is nice Andy.” He said softly.
Andy and Wes talked about a few of the jobs T.U.F. was currently handling and Jo leaned back against Wes simply content to be near him. She was daydreaming when she heard Andy say he was getting ready to leave pulling her from la-la land.
“Andy can you give me a lift home please?”
Wes stopped rubbing her back and she felt him tense up. She turned her head to see that he wasn’t a happy camper anymore.
“Wes I’ll come back later if you want. I just need to go home for a bit. You know go for a run, shower, do some work. I need to check my emails for any jobs, you know things like that.”
Andy excused himself from the table and told Jo he’d wait for her downstairs.
“Jo I thought you might stay here for a while?”
“I’ll come back Wes. I’ll bring us dinner. You can relax all day. It will be good for you.”
“Jo how about if you go home and bring stuff back here?”
“Uh Wes that’s called moving in together and neither of us are ready for that.”
“How do you know?” He replied a little testily.
“Come on big guy. We can’t be joined at the hip. If I were the one that was recuperating you’d still have to go to work. Be reasonable.”
Wes knew she was right.
“Okay dinner and a sleep over.” He said.
“Dinner.” She countered.
“I don’t like this Jo.” Wes said quietly. “Don’t pull away now.”
“I’m not baby.” She said cupping his chin. “I’ll be missing you too.”
Jo scrambled off his lap threw on her clothes and gave him a tender kiss on his frowning mouth.
“Be good Wes. Get some rest.”
“For our sleep over?” He grinned. Jo laughed as she shut the door. God he was so friggin' perfect.
When she got to Andy’s truck he asked if everything was all right.