Page 76 of One Tough Love

“Yes.” He said guiltily. Jo burst out laughing at his admission and Jace shook his head chuckling.

Wes stood up and folded Jo into his arms. “I missed you.”

The doctor walked in at that exact moment and Wes said 'finally' causing everyone to laugh including the good doctor. The doctor admitted he was pleased with Wes's progress, but he was not to push himself. The doctor then asked if Wes had a caregiver in place and that he would sign the discharge papers if someone was going to be with him.

Wes looked at Jo and cocked his head. “I’ll be with him Doc.” She said.

Wes was smiling. “I was hoping you would say that.” He said kissing her forehead.

“Get a room.” Jace teased.

“I plan too.” Wes said sexily causing even the doctor to groan.

Chapter 24


“Where to?” Jace asked, after everyone was settled into his car.

“Jo?” Wes redirected the question, wanting her input.

“I think you’ll be most comfortable at your place, don't you?”

“I want you to be comfortable too.”

“I’ll be fine. The most important thing is for you to recover.”

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." She said giving him a brilliant smile.

Jace headed them towards Wes’ condo.

When they got to Wes’ Jace helped him inside. He was still a little weak. They entered his condo and Jo looked around.

“Wow this is spectacular.” She said admiring the room. “What a view.” She could see the entire lake from the large glass sliding doors that led to the balcony.

Jace helped Wes to sit in his favorite lounge chair. “Can I explore?” Jo called already heading down the hallway.

Wes chuckled. “Go right ahead.”

“She’s good for you Wes.” Jace said quietly.

“I know. I want to be good for her too.”

“You are. She friggin' glows when she’s near you.”

“Is Ginger gone?” Wes asked steering the conversation away from him.

“Yup. They pulled out yesterday, thank God. I already got a call from her new security guys where she’s shooting next. I also gave them the heads up about her attraction to her bodyguards, and I told them about the note. They knew about the shooting.”

“Well good riddance. Remember to bill the crap out of her.”

Jace chuckled. “Will do.”

“Listen Jace before Jo returns. She’s working on a new investigation. It’s pretty intense. If she lets me help her I want to bring you guys into the loop.”

“Okay, just say the word man.”