Page 74 of One Tough Love


Doctor said I didn’t need to wrap it anymore.

Good and…?

Sent her away?

Aww poor nurse… that was sarcastic.

Lol like I wouldn’t guess that.

Miss you Wes

Miss you Jo

A warm gooey feeling melted over Jo. She really, really liked Wes.

Auggie brought dinner from The Candlelight and they chatted comfortably like old friends do while they ate their burgers and fries. Then Auggie put on a movie and before the first scene was even over Jo was asleep on the couch.

Auggie knew she needed a good nights sleep so he plucked her up and brought her into the bedroom where he gently placed her on the bed and under the covers.

Jo awoke to the smell of coffee and when she ambled out to the kitchen Auggie was standing over the stove stirring scrambled eggs and frying bacon.

“Oh that smells great.” Jo said

“You slept over?” She asked looking at the couch.

Auggie shrugged. “Yeah, I fell asleep on the couch.”

Wes had actually texted him to remind him that she could still be in danger. Auggie hadn't forgotten and told him to rest assured he wasn't letting Jo out of sight.

“Thanks for putting me to bed. I was exhausted.”

“You’re welcome.” Auggie said buttering the wheat toast he’d just taken from the toaster.

“You’re leaving today?”

“Yeah, I think they will let Wes check out today.”

“He’s good for you Jo.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s not a taker; he’s a giver, like you.”

Jo thought about that and smiled.

“Thanks Auggie.” Jo couldn’t hide the smile that exploded across her face.

Jo packed her car up including her boxes and headed home. It was after lunch and Jo worried that she had missed Wes being discharged, but when she called him he said the doctor hadn’t come by yet. Jo could tell Wes was anxious to be released.

When she got to her house she unloaded everything and texted Wes that she was home, but she wanted to clean out her fridge and do some laundry. She told him to call when the doctor gave him the all clear.

Jo felt ten times better since she’d slept and eaten two good meals. So she used her energy to quickly finish her chores. Her phone rang and she saw Jace’s toad picture appear.

“Hi.” Jo answered.

“Hi I’m on my way to the hospital to spring your man, you want a ride?”