"No, that's great."
"Well it would be a paycheck, but it's in the advertising department. I don't think I'm going to take it."
"You know if you need money I'll help."
"Thank you. I'm good right now. I really want to finish what I'm working on."
“So talk to me Jo. I’m going to be out of commission physically for another week. It will give my brain something to do.” He nudged her with his shoulder.
Jo sighed. The case had been weighing on her mind and Wes would be the perfect person to bounce her thoughts off of.
“Okay, but I’m not sharing my by-line with you.” She teased.
“I think you know me well enough by now to know that I don’t particularly like notoriety anyway so that is no problem.” He chuckled.
So while they waited for Auggie to arrive Jo told Wes everything she knew so far. Wes asked some pointed questions and they made Jo start thinking about different avenues she could explore. She typed notes into her iPhone as she talked.
Wes could almost see how her mind was working, piecing tidbits of information together that others might over look. He was impressed with everything she had accomplished. He leaned back on the couch pleased that she had finally confided in him, but now he was more concerned than ever. Her story was big and Wes had no doubt that the money involved in the project had attracted some big investors.
Auggie arrived and the two men shook hands. “We good to go Jo?’ Auggie said.
“Yes, can you give me a second to say goodbye?”
Auggie said sure thing and walked down the hall to wait.
Wes held Jo rubbing his large hands up and down her sides. He already felt heaviness in his heart. It was a foreign feeling to him. He was close with only a few people.
“Jo, get some sleep baby."
“I will and you get some sleep too, and don’t let Ms. Touchy Feely wrap you anymore and…” Her voice softened and cracked, she leaned her forehead on his chest. “I’m going to miss you.”
Wes tilted her head up and kissed her lips. “Darling, I already miss you. If you get back early enough, want to bring me home from the hospital?”
“Sure. You’re pretty sure that you’re going to be sprung from here tomorrow.” Jo laughed.
“I’ve been buttering up to the nurses when I walk past their station.” He told her showing her a sexy grin that she knew he was using on the nurses also. Jo laughed again and Wes held her face in his hands loving how she looked so happy. His eyes found hers and Jo felt like she had entered a vortex. The air around them sucked out. His gaze was so intense it took her breath away.
“Wes.” Jo croaked. She couldn't keep the raw emotion she was feeling from her voice.
“I know baby. Be safe; let me know when you get there.”
“I will.” Jo kissed him again and left the room. She couldn’t believe how hollow she felt the further from his room she walked. She stopped at the nurse's station and told them she was leaving. Jo noticed Nurse Touchy Feely perked up right away. Jo shot her a look before she left, mentally high fiving herself.
The ride back to the lake was uneventful and Jo fell asleep for most of it. When Auggie dropped her home she thanked him.
“I know you’re tired. How about I bring some dinner over and we can have one last sleep over.”
“Oh that sounds good Auggie.”
“Okay I’ll be back around 6.”
Jo text Wes and told him she was at the lake house. She asked how he felt.
Good - wanted to take another shower and guess who showed up with the plastic wrap?
Touchy Feely?