Page 70 of One Tough Love

“Jo look at me.” She tilted her face so she was looking at his handsome face. “I’m yours, only yours. You have to know that.”

Jo smiled at Wes tenderly.

“I do Wes. I know Ginger set you up. She's a bitch. I have to tell you, I probably would have lost it if I'd seen Jill on your bed, holding your hand, but I wouldn't have run Wes."

"I'm glad Jo, but I have to tell you." He said repeating her words. "I would have found you. I'll always find you Jo."

Jo snuggled into Wes side and yawned." You know you make me a little crazy sometimes, big guy?"

“Yeah, back at you baby.” He chuckled.

Wes lowered the head of the bed and held her so she was lying next to him.

“I want you here Jo. I need you here. I can’t explain it but that’s how I feel. Thank you for staying.”

Jo nodded and Wes continued talking. “I know you’re giving me all of your time and if you want to go home just tell me. But please, please don’t ever think I want anyone else with me but you.”

Jo had her head on his good shoulder and her arm was draped over his firm stomach.

“I’m not good at this Wes. I don’t handle jealousy well. I guess I’ve been burned one too many times. Your so, well so desirable, it's hard for me to believe that you like me."

“Believe it Jo. It’s not going to change.”

Jo nodded and she was soon fast asleep. Wes lay awake thinking of the woman he held in his arms. 'Like' was a friggin' understatement he thought to himself. When the nurse came in he put his finger to his lips requesting her to stay quiet. The nurse smiled and exited the room tuning the lights off and shutting the door behind her. Wes held his Jo close to him and finally drifted off to sleep.

Jo woke up feeling rested and safe. Wes still had his arm around her and when she stirred he kissed the top of her head.

“Morning beautiful.” He said softly.

“Your voice is getting better.” She said as she tilted her face up, keeping her head on his chest.

“I feel better too.”

Jo got off the bed and used the bathroom and then she helped Wes get out of bed to use the bathroom himself.

“You’re moving better Wes.”

He smiled at her playfully. “Does that warrant another sponge bath?”

Jo blushed and then laughed.

“Oh you are definitely feeling better.”

Jo waited to hear what the doctor would say. He always came by in the mornings. Wes had been shot five days ago, but his strong body was mending and she could tell he was starting to feel better.

Wes ate all of his breakfast and he tried to give some to Jo but she told him she was content with her yogurt. When the doctor arrived he looked at Wes’ chart and then examined his wounds and changed the bandages.

“Mr. Tobin you look remarkably well for someone who was shot twice.”

“Can I go home?”

The doctor laughed. “No son, not quite yet. You had surgery and we need to keep you here for another two days at least.”

“But doc I really feel fine.”

“How about we give it one more night okay?”

Wes grumbled and Jo told the doctor thank you.