Page 67 of One Tough Love

"Let's get a table. I'll buy you dinner."

"Actually Henry I have to be some where soon." Jo told him. "Would you mind if we just sat here?"

Henry sat on the open stool next to hers. He flagged down the bartender and ordered a martini.

"So what's going on Henry?" Jo was anxious to hear what he had to say.

"Well I've got good news Jo."

A huge smile spread across Jo's face. He was going to rehire her. She knew it.

Henry took a long swig of his martini as Jo waited impatiently for him to continue.

"Jo we have an opening in advertising..."

Jo's stomach dropped. Advertising, what the heck!

"Advertising?" She interrupted.

"Hear me out." Henry said quickly.

Jo took a sip of her soda hoping to hide her disappointment.

"Marge in advertising has left and we need someone." Jo nodded, not happy at all with what she was hearing.

"I know it's not what you want, but in your spare time you can help Buddy."

"Buddy? Buddy who writes the obits?"

Buddy was an old timer at the paper who used to write headline articles, but as he got older he wanted to cut back on his time commitment. Now he was pushing 80 and he still went in to work every day to write the obituaries.

"I know it sounds awful, but it would be a steady paycheck; and if a reporter job opened up again, well obviously we would place you there."

Jo felt like she'd been punched in the stomach. How could he offer her the advertising job? It was a total slap in the face.

"Henry I appreciate you thinking about me, but it really is not what I want."

"Jo, think about it. You haven't found another job yet, have you?"

"No, not yet." She dismally admitted.

"Well then think about it, okay?"

"Alright, I'll think about it."

"So what have you been up to?" Henry asked after finishing his drink.

"Oh I've been doing a little freelance research for an article."

Henry fiddled with his napkin.

"Want to share?" He asked.

Jo decided he had already known about the story, and even though she had not crossed him off the list of people that could have stolen her original files she decided she would tell him. Maybe he would offer her the papers resources for a chance to publish first.

"I'm just kicking around that lead I told you about regarding the construction site."

"Oh. Anything promising?"