“It was my pleasure Wes.” She said seductively. If he knew how wet she was right now he’d probably try to take care of her.
Wes pulled her down for a kiss and they continued to kiss tenderly until the nurse came in to collect Wes’ tray, forcing them to break apart, embarrassed that they’d been caught making out like teenagers.
That evening Jace arrived bringing a sandwich from the cafeteria for Jo. She knew Wes had probably told him to bring her something. Jo thanked him and ate it while the men visited. Jill arrived and when she saw that Jo was still there Jo watched her visibly cringe.
When the nurse in charge of Wes came to check his vitals she reminded them that only two people could be in the room. Jo stood up, kissed Wes on the forehead, and told him she was just going to go for a walk. Wes grabbed her wrist. “Sure?” He said concerned.
“Yeah, I need to stretch my legs.”
Wes nodded and released her, but not before pulling her in for another kiss. Jace watched with an amused smile. He then caught the evil look Jill was casting towards Jo and an uneasy feeling tugged at his gut.
Jo left the room and Jace watched Wes follow her until she was out of sight. As they visited Jace noticed how Jill kept touching Wes and how uncomfortable Wes looked with the unwanted caresses. Wes kept looking at the door and Jace knew he was watching for Jo to return. The nurse came back into the room and gave Wes pain medicine.
"You need to get some sleep Mr. Tobin." She said eying his guests.
Jace knew the nurse wanted them to leave and he would have but he wanted to wait until Jo came back. Within minutes Wes’ eyes were starting to close and when Jace suggested that he and Jill leave, Jill told him to go ahead, that she wanted to stay a little longer. Wes finally succumbed to the medicine and fell asleep.
Jo walked outside for the first time in days and immediately wished she could go for a run. It was so nice out, the sun was shining, and she missed the natural high she always got from pushing herself on her work outs. She started walking on the white sidewalk around the outside of the hospital. She really had wanted to stretch her legs, and now that she had the opportunity she decided to use it and go for a brief, but fast walk before heading back up to Wes' room.
She was so grateful Wes was going to be all right. She thought back to the awful heaviness she had felt when she had learned he'd been shot and the memory made her shiver. Wes was so different than any man Jo had been with before. That thought brought a smile to her face as she rounded the final corner on her walk.
Jo felt her phone buzzing, in her back pocket, she had it set to vibrate, and she quickly pulled it out. She had lost all of her original contacts so she didn't recognize the number, but she answered it anyway.
"Hi Jo, it's Henry."
Jo stopped walking, surprised to hear from her old boss.
"Henry, hi. What's up?"
"I was hoping we could meet. I have a proposition for you."
"Really? Okay." If Jo could get her old job back, all her newspaper resources would be available to her again.
"Sure. When?"
"I was hoping we could meet in a half hour. I'm heading out of town and wanted to talk to you before I left."
Jo blew out a long breath, not even realizing she'd been holding it in. She didn't want to leave Wes but it would only be for a little while.
"Okay." Jo replied as she quickly thought about where she should meet him. She didn't have a car and she didn't want Henry to know she was at the hospital with Wes. She wasn't ready to share her personal life with him.
"How about if we meet at Bishop's Grille?" The Grille was a small tavern within walking distance of the hospital. She would run upstairs, tell Wes she was meeting Henry, and then walk there. Easy Peasy.
Henry faltered for a second before answering her.
"Bishop's, okay. I just thought maybe you'd be home and I could meet you there."
"No, I'm out running errands."
"Well then, Bishop's in 30 minutes."
"I'll see you there."
"See you there."