Page 63 of One Tough Love

Jo smiled at Andy. “Thanks.”

“No problem.”

“So I can stay for a little while if you want to go shower or anything?”

Jo pulled her wet hair over her shoulder for Andy to see. “Nope I’m good. Wes how about if I give you some alone time with Andy?”

She saw that Wes looked upset so she leaned down close to him so he could whisper to her.

“You want to go?” He asked in a raspy voice.

“Nope.” Jo looked into Wes eyes and tenderly brushed her fingertips over Wes’ cheek then pushed a lock of hair off his forehead. “As long as I’m not wearing out my welcome; I think this is where I belong. I'm a little tired though so I’m just going to lay down on that couch over there okay?”

She leaned down and kissed his lips gently.

“Good answer.” Andy said from the chair he now occupied.

“Good kiss.” Wes said softly.

“Guess I’m staying then.” Jo said affectionately.

Jo got off the bed and curled up on the small couch. She was content to simply be near Wes and let the men talk. Wes must have felt the same way although he kept looking at Jo who had already fallen asleep.

Andy did most of the talking during his visit. He told Wes that they had a lead on the shooter after going through the Club's surveillance tapes. He also told him how Jo had told Ginger off in the waiting room and had called him ‘her’ Wes. Wes had a huge smile on his face.

“I like her Wes.” Andy said looking over at the slumbering woman scrunched up on the small couch.

Wes smiled. “Me too.” He whispered.

“Yeah, I can tell.” Andy answered with a little sarcastic grin. Wes shrugged his good shoulder. He then reached for the blanket that was down near his feet trying to lift it up.

“What are you doing?’ Andy asked.

“Cover Jo.” He croaked out.

“Oh, okay.” Andy took the blanket and covered Jo. When he turned around Wes was holding a pillow with a love sick smile on his face.

“Pillow too?” Andy said chuckling. Wes nodded.

“You got it bad my friend.”

Wes simply nodded. He knew he cared for Jo, a lot. His feelings for her were nothing he had ever experienced before and it made him edgy. She could calm him with her touch yet make him do stupid things, like get out of his hospital bed just to find her. He was normally in control and rational but when he thought of Jo he became a mess of uncontrollable urges. He hoped she was feeling it too.

Jo slept soundly for the first time in days, curled up on the small love seat in Wes’ room. She awoke to the noise being made by the woman carrying in Wes’ food tray. She knew what he was eating since she had filled out the dinner menu for him earlier. Wes watched as she sat up and stretched her arms over her head. He was once again struck with how beautiful she was. Her hair was crazy wild since she’d fallen asleep with it still wet. Her clothes were rumpled and her eyes were hazy as she shook her self conscious; but she was still gorgeous. Wes’ heart thudded hard inside his chest. Yeah, he was definitely feeling better. He crossed his legs and pulled the bedside tray over his lap to hide the rising flesh between his legs.

Jo stood up and came over to help him eat. When Andy had left he had napped a little. His walk about earlier, although it had only been about fifteen yards had really zapped him.

“Hey.” She said giving him a light kiss.

Wes smiled up at her. His throat was killing him, his shoulder burned, but it was his neck that really pained him. It hurt to move it but he didn’t want to take any more pain pills they made him loopy.

Jo sat on the edge of his bed and fed him scrambled eggs and broth. Wes found he was actually hungry and Jo was delighted when he ate everything. He then realized Jo hadn’t eaten and his eyes found hers when he gently gripped her wrist as he took in the last spoonful of soup.

“What?” She asked concerned.

Wes nodded at his food tray. “You eat.”

Jo understood that he wanted her to eat, but the only thing left on the tray was applesauce.