Page 62 of One Tough Love

Wes woke up to an empty room. He looked around and didn’t see any signs of Jo. Did she leave? Would she just take off? Wes’ brain wasn’t functioning on all cylinders yet. All that was registering was that he needed to find Jo. He used the remote to bring his head all the way up and slide his feet to the floor. Sitting up made him dizzy and he had to gulp a few breaths to not pass out.

He slowly worked himself into a standing position and grabbed the IV pole still connected to him. He then padded unsteadily out the door and down the corridor, not even knowing where he was going.

When he reached the nurse's station two nurses came running towards him. “Mr. Tobin how are you even standing!”

“You need to get back into bed.” The other nurse barked.

One of the nurses told another nurse, who was sitting behind the desk to get a wheelchair. It was at that moment that Jo rounded the corner, clean from her shower. Her long hair wet, her face scrubbed clean, holding her unkempt clothes that she'd been in for the last four days. She saw Wes standing in the hallway with the nurses bracketing his sides. His eyes fell on

her and he stilled. Jo ran to him.

“What are you doing?” She chastised him gently. One of the nurses moved away from his side and Wes put his arm over her slight shoulders and she wrapped her arm around his back.

“Looking for you.” He said in choppy breaths. He was exhausted and black spots swam in front of his eyes. He hoped he didn’t go down right there in the hallway.

“Well you idiot. You found me. Now let's get you back to bed.” Wes had paled with the exertion. He had been afraid she’d taken off. Jo managed to get Wes into bed without help of a wheelchair. He was worn out from his little excursion.

“Wes.” Jo said sitting down on the bed next to his body. Her hand resting on his chest. “You need to stay in bed.”

“You need to stay with me.” He smiled looking exhausted, yet mischievously at her.

“Oh you are feeling better aren’t you?” She laughed.

Ginger and Leena chose that moment to arrive in the room. Jo stayed where she was on the bed; Wes kept his hand on her thigh holding her there. Jo did not like this woman and the feeling was entirely mutual.

“Oh Wes.” Ginger said dramatically. “I’ve been so worried.” She wedged her self between Wes and Jo and leaned down to hug him.

“Ginger.” He said gruffly. Jo could not stand the woman. The hurtful memories of seeing the two of them kiss resurfaced and she became agitated. Wes clamped down on her thigh. He had felt her tense up. For an injured man he was still surprisingly strong.

“Where's your security?” He asked irritated that his throat was still raw and he couldn't yell at her.

Leena answered. “They are in the family waiting room down the hall. You can only have two visitors at a time.”

Wes eyed them suspiciously looking first to Leena then to Ginger.

“We thought we could spend some time with you now.” Ginger purred flirtatiously.

“Jo stays.” Wes said. Jo covered the hand he had on her thigh with hers.

“But Wes, baby, I just want to see that you’re okay. You saved my life.”

Jo could tell that Wes was becoming agitated and he had already taxed his voice and his body enough for one day.

“Can’t I stay with you now?’ Ginger pouted.

“Ginger give it up. Wes is my boyfriend. He never was yours. If you’re looking for some more PR look someplace else.”

Ginger looked pissed and just before she opened her mouth. Jo spoke again. “If I have to call his lawyer and slap a restraining order on you I will. You won’t like the kind of PR that I can generate.” Jo was seething that this woman was being such a diva.

Andy walked into the room and took one look at Wes and knew that he was upset.

“Wes, want me to call Frank?” He said.

“Oh for God sakes.” Leena finally said. “We’re leaving.” Leena hurried Ginger out the door.

“Frank?” Jo asked.

“Lawyer.” Andy replied.