The DJ stopped the music and made an announcement regarding Ginger's charity. He told the crowd that the club was donating one half of all tonight’s proceeds to it. He encouraged the patrons to drink up and then he waved to Ginger.
The crowd cheered and Ginger stood up next to the table as a spot light settled on her. She curtsied and waved. Wes was once again struck with the dichotomy of the Ginger that the fans knew and the Ginger that he knew. She was a hell of an actress.
A small red dot appeared on Ginger’s forehead. Wes knew exactly what that was. He dove through the air landing on top of the startled actress. The laser beam was attached to a silencer, so no one heard the shot or knew what was happening. Wes felt the firey burn in his shoulder first and then another in his neck. Ginger was screaming at him to get off of her and the persons at her table were screaming because they saw the blood pouring from Wes.
It took a half minute for the other club patrons to realize someone had tried to shoot Ginger and then all hell broke loose.
Jace made it to them first. “Ginger shut up. Wes’ has been shot.”
“Oh my God! Oh my God.” She wailed from underneath him.
“Wes, can you hear me?”
Jace rolled Wes off of Ginger and she scrambled to get up. Some of Wes’ blood had trickled on to her face and it covered her chest. The security team circled them as Jace yelled out orders.
“Anyone see the shooter?”
“Get Ginger out of here!”
Wes didn’t hear anymore than that; he had passed out.
It was after midnight when Jo, Auggie and Griff returned to the bar area after playing a game of pool in the back recreation room. When they sat down they noticed that many of the patrons were looking intently at the televisions. Jo figured something good was happening in the game, until she read the banner under the picture.
Ginger Lola shot while at Club Odessa opening.
“Oh my gosh guys. Wes was with her.” Jo's arms prickled as she voiced her alarm.
“Well that won’t be good for business.” Griff teased.
Both Jo and Auggie slapped him.
“Amy.” Auggie called. “Can you turn this up?”
Amy, the bartender tossed Auggie the remote as the breaking news story came on, interrupting the Yankees away game versus Seattle.
A reporter spoke from behind a news desk.
“We’ve just learned that there has been an attempt on Ginger Lola’s life at the Club Odessa opening that she was attending tonight. First reports were that Ginger had been shot.” The camera cut away to show a clip of Ginger covered in blood, sandwiched between two large men, running her into a limo.
“However we now know that Ginger was not hit. The blood is that of her bodyguard and
once thought to be her lover, Wes Tobin. Mr. Tobin is on his way to General. We will keep you updated on his condition.”
“Oh my God!” Jo was shaking and she thought she might throw up.
"What should I do?" She asked her two friends.
“Come on.” Auggie grabbed her hand and they ran out the front door. They got into the Cat and then transferred into Auggie’s Jeep. Jo was a mess. She couldn’t stop crying.
“Honey we don’t know the extent of his injuries. It could be just a nick. Try to relax.” Griff was trying his best to calm her while Auggie drove them towards Summit.
When Jo had calmed she remembered that she had Jace’s and Andy’s cell numbers. She texted Jace first but got no response, next she texted Andy. A minute later she got a ping.
On my way to hospital now Andy had replied.
Is it bad She typed.