“We’ll see.” Wes replied. He didn’t even like that Ginger was touching him.
Inside Ginger was met with a standing ovation. Wes extracted himself from her arm and went to find Jace. The two trailing security men would mark her until she settled at a table.
“That damn woman.” Wes said when he found him already ensconced in the VIP section.
“What did she do?” Jace said looking amused.
“She took my arm as we came in and the press loved it.”
“Yeah sucks to be on the arm of one of the most beautiful women of all time.” Jace was smirking now.
“I don’t even want her to touch me Jace.” Wes shivered and Jace laughed.
The night swung into high gear and Wes, Jace and all of Ginger’s security detail were kept busy following the popular celebrity, clearing paths for her, and stopping fans from getting too close. Wes was constantly scanning the crowd, and checking in with the security team who all wore ear pieces and small mics. Wes was also kept busy following Ginger as she visited the numerous VIP tables. Jace had danced with Ginger twice and Wes was pleased with himself that he had made Jace come. There was no way he could dance with her.
When Jace and Ginger went back on the dance floor for the third time Wes sat down and texted Jo.
I’m at club opening it’s a madhouse.
Wes was surprised when he was answered right away.
I’m at the Candlelight, it is not a madhouse.
Wes typed back: Ginger grabbed my arm to walk into the place and then told the press we were friends.
I saw that.
You did?
Yes it’s on the eleven o’clock news.
Shit! I’m sorry.
It’s okay, you looked uncomfortable.
I was I only want you touching me.
Wow what am I supposed to say to that? Jo added a blushing smiley emoticon to that text.
Say you’ll let me hold you again and I’ll be a happy man.
Jo sent back an emoticon of two people hugging with a text saying,
We’ll see.
Wes ended their text session with; gotta go babe my turn to guard the wicked witch.
Jo put her phone down on the bar and Auggie and Griff who were sitting with her had goofy smiles on their faces. “Wes?” Griff asked. Griff had taken a couple of extra days off from his job to stay at the Lake with Auggie and Jo.
“Yes Wes.”
“I like him.” Auggie said.
“Me too.” Griff chimed in.
“Me too.” Jo said dreamily which caused all three of them to laugh out loud.
Wes had a smile on his face. He was wearing her down. She had to have feelings for him still. He nodded at Jace who had hand delivered Ginger back to her table of friends after the dance. Along with Beth and Patty there were a few men all contending for Gingers attention. Wes had them all checked out before hand. No one was allowed at Ginger's table unless Leena had approved them before hand.