“No, I was just dozing.”
“Want to go to the Candlelight for dinner?” She asked nudging his foot. Auggie spent much of his summer vacation at his lake house, but Griff only got away when his store was closed so it was just the two of them.
“Sounds good. Wake me in an hour.”
“God, you nap a lot!” Jo teased.
Jo lay down on the other end of the curved couch staring at the silly selfie Wes had sent her. She was trying to hold him at bay but the truth was that she really liked him. She liked everything about him. He was kind and ridiculously handsome, and had a body that she could spend hours exploring, but aside from his all around general hunkiness, Wes was smart. She liked his wit and how adorable he looked when he laughed. He was romantic and when they were together he was so attentive. She adored his manners and that he anticipated her needs and even knew what she was thinking before she even said anything. It was a little unnerving, but something about it felt right. He felt right.
Jo picked up her phone and texted him.
I do miss you Wes.
It was over a minute before her phone pinged.
Is this my Jo, the one that just said she didn’t want anything more between us?
She typed back. LOL I know. I just wanted you to know.
I miss you too Jo.
Jo pulled a throw from the couch over her body and fell asleep holding the phone next to her chest. It was a good thing she was two hours away because her self imposed get-her-head-together hiatus from Wes would be shot to hell. She knew if he walked up to her door right then that she’d kiss him silly.
Chapter 20
Ginger was totally decked out when Wes arrived to accompany her to the Club the next night. He had talked to Jo one more time the night before and he had sent her a corny text right before he went to bed that she had responded to with a kissy lips emoticon. During their phone conversation Wes had told Jo everything that had transpired after
he had left her house the previous Saturday morning. He was relieved that the anger she was verbalizing was now directed at Ginger and her antics instead of him. In return Jo told Wes everything she'd been feeling, including how hurt she was that they had shared what she thought had been something special that morning, and then had not heard from him. She also described, in detail, her accident and that had ended with her in the hospital. She told him how she had seen him with Ginger on TV and then how Nick came to collect her and how he saw the news as he was wheeling her out. Wes told her about seeing Nick when he got home and how Nick had really gone ballistic.
Before they ended their conversation they both agreed that they had endured a tough week.
Wes fell asleep that night thankful that Jo was talking to him again, and returning his texts, he considered that progress. It also allowed him to concentrate and focus on tomorrow nights Club appearance that was going to be a difficult evening for him and his team that was guarding her, especially with the new threat that had come to light. Wes couldn't help but wonder if Ginger had written the threatening note herself; he wouldn't have put it past her. She probably hoped to take the heat off of herself and what she had done involving the video, which she still claimed to be uninvolved in. He was secretly worried that she might try some other stunt tonight and he was glad he had told Jo about it in case she did.
Wes rode in the front seat with the limo driver, with Ginger and two of her friends, Patty and Beth partying in the back of the white stretch. Wes had men already at the club stationed strategically. He had a female, who was set up at a table, near the women's restroom, and a car with two more men was following the limo that they were in. All of Gingers security for the evening was well trained, hyper-vigilant, and were dressed so that they blended into the fancy club scene. Wes couldn’t wait for this night to end. It had been a logistical nightmare to prepare for.
The Club was hosting its grand opening Premier Party tonight and it was filled to capacity. Ginger showing up was a huge boost for the Club, and Wes had learned in return for her showing up, they would donate a percentage of that night's profits to a charity that Ginger supported. At least she gave back, Wes thought.
When they arrived at the club the driver scooted around to open the door for Ginger and her friends. Wes stepped out from the limo and flashes went off around him, momentarily blinding him. A few of the reporters were yelling questions at him. “Are you and Ginger back together?” And “Are you trying to win her back?” Wes ignored them and scanned the crowd. He hated that they were at the club. It was so challenging for his team to try and keep her safe with her being out in public like this. Wes was inspecting the crowd for potential problems, thinking what a stupid woman Ginger was to put herself and others in danger just to grab some good press.
A line of hopeful partiers wrapped around the well lit and highly glitzed up club and two huge bouncers were attending the double front doors. Velvet ropes attached to gold poles kept the crowds corralled and apart from those guests important enough to warrant entering the club without waiting. Ginger popped out of the car and started waving to her cheering fans. Beth and Patty knew to wait in the limo until she had stepped away from them, garnering all the attention. They knew how the game was played.
Ginger walked to Wes and he tensed. She took him by the arm so he could lead her inside.
“Ginger what the hell are you doing?” He whispered.
“Relax Wes, I’m showing the world that we are still friends. Trust me it will be good for your business.” Her lips barely moved as she spoke, while she continued to dazzle the paparazzi with her gorgeous smile.
Someone yelled out. “Are you two together again?”
Ginger turned towards the crowd and they hushed so they could hear her. She kept her hand firmly on Wes’ arm.
“Mr. Tobin, Wes and I, have a strictly a platonic relationship. He is the head of my security detail and we have grown close over the past few weeks, but we are simply friends, good friends.”
Ginger smiled adoringly at Wes, and then back to the cameras that were flashing around them. Still holding on to Wes she headed them towards the front door that the two bouncers held opened for them. Wes saw that the men that had been in the trail car were now behind him and Ginger, and that Patty and Beth had emerged from the car, and were now trailing behind him and Ginger.
Ginger leaned into him and whispered, “See darling Wes, no harm right?”