“Jo you didn’t just fall off that bridge.”
“No, I was pushed, but I didn’t see anyone.”
Wes contemplated his next sentence carefully.
“I wish you’d tell me what you’re working on.”
“Well to be honest I haven’t worked on anything since the accident, so technically I’m not working on anything right now.”
“Jo.” Wes was exasperated. “Maybe I can help you, you know, with research.”
“I don’t know Wes. Let me think about it, okay?”
“Okay that’s fair. Do you know when you’re coming home?”
“I think I’ll stay up here for a little while longer. What’s happening with you?”
Wes told her how he had pulled his men from Gingers security detail because of her stupid antics, but his lawyer told him now that it had been retracted he needed to fulfill the contract. He told Jo how Ginger had received a threatening note and that even after he suggest she lay low she still wanted to go to the opening of a nightclub tomorrow. He explained that her publicist said her fans needed to see that there were no hard feelings between him and Ginger. He then told her that he was dreading it already.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to tell anyone that stuff?” Jo said.
“We aren’t, but just in case there are photographers at this Club, and you see me in a picture I wanted you to know. I am just there as head of security, I'm still pretty mad at her. I am actually bringing Jace with me so he can dance with her.”
Jo was quiet for a few seconds. Wes wished he could see her face. Her facial expressions and her eyes were such a window to what she was thinking.
“Wes.” She sighed heavily and he knew he wasn’t going to like what she was going to say next. “You and I, I don’t know. I’ve accepted this phone and you said no strings. Right now, we’re friends. You can do what you want, with who you want.”
Now Wes was quiet. “Is that what you want Jo? Nothing more?”
The silence on the line was deafening.
“Right now, I think so." She answered quietly. "Do you want the phone back?”
“No, I bought it for you. When you come home will you let me see you?”
“I like you Wes, you know I do. Let’s just see how things progress.”
“I’m not going to date anyone Jo. I’ll wait.”
“I’m not in the market for anyone else either. I just need time.”
“I get it. I don’t like it, but I get it.”
“Thanks Wes.”
“Okay my Jo I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay later Wes.”
Wes wasn’t as happy with that phone call but he had to work and she was in the Poconos so calls and texts were going to have to suffice for now.
Jo hung up with Wes and although she had pushed him away, again, she didn’t feel better for it. Auggie was napping on her couch while she’d been playing with her phone.
“Was that Wes?” He asked.
“Yeah. I thought you were asleep? Did I wake you?”