“I know, but it’s hard not to get friendly with you guys. You’re with us all the time.”
Wes didn’t answer that statement. He knew it was always an issue when guarding someone closely. The person being guarded is sometimes so closed off to other people that they form a connection with their security guards. They mistake the protection for affection.
“I’ll get back to you about tomorrow night Leena.”
Wes left and headed for T.U.F.’s. When he arrived Betty greeted him warmly.
“Hey boss I haven’t seen you in awhile. I saw the news I bet you hated that.”
“You have no idea Betty. Why are you here on a Sunday?”
"I took Wednesday off, just making it up."
"Good deal, Betty. Thank you."
Wes walked down the hall and for once Jace wasn’t smoking.
“Hey.” Jace said looking up from the laptop on his desk. “You look rested.”
“Yeah, I finally got some sleep.”
“How’s Jo?’
Wes smiled. “She accepted the phone I got her and she called me last night.”
“That’s good man.”
“We aren’t in the same spot we were last Saturday but baby steps are better than no steps, you know?”
“Yeah, I hear ya.”
“So Jace, are you busy tomorrow night? I need some help.”
“Ginger is attending a new nightclub opening and she needs security. You know she received that threat.”
“Yeah but why do you need me? Just pull in more people.”
“I will be pulling in more guys but she’s going to want to dance. You dance.”
“Oh come on Wes really!” Jace was laughing as he said it.
“Really she can’t dance with strangers especially now with this threat out there. I’ll owe you.”
“You will owe me big Wes. I guess I don’t need to ask why you aren’t going to be her dance partner.”
“No that would be like putting a burnt steak back on the grill.”
Jace laughed at the analogy. “So I’ll ride with her to the club and you meet us there. This way your whole night isn’t shot, okay?”
“Yeah, no problem, bro.”
Wes left Jace and went into his office now he needed to do a little PI work to find out exactly what had happened to Jo. He called his contact in the Summit police department.
“Don it’s Wes.”
“Hi Wes, sorry to see it didn’t work out for you and Ginger. Gotta say man I was impressed you had landed such a babe.” Don was chuckling at his joke.