Page 48 of One Tough Love

In the notes section he told her about the iTunes and App credits and he asked her to go to dinner with him when she returned. He also said he missed her and hoped she’d caught a fish and was having fun.

Satisfied with his purchase, he took it to the Fed Ex store and paid for it to be delivered – request signature included – that day. Wes then headed to his condo and fell asleep for the first time in days.

Jo had a great time fishing with her two friends and they caught enough fish to fry up for dinner that night. They separated so they could shower before meeting back up to go in to town for their dinner supplies. Auggie didn’t want to leave Jo alone, even while she showered, but he couldn’t think of an excuse to stay so he showered quickly and drove back to her place. He had filled Griff in on what Wes had said and about the scratch off they were about to purchase.

The three friends, baskets in hand, searched the supermarket aisles for fixings for their fish dinner. Auggie told her to give him a dollar and she shot him a silly look and handed him one. He ran off telling them he felt lucky so he was buying a scratch off. Jo was laughing at how crazy he was. When he returned he had a huge smile on his face.

“What?” Jo asked.

“We won.”

“We won what?” She was clearly missing something.

“The scratch off paid big.” Auggie laughed flashing a wad of cash at Jo.

“No way, you won!”

“We won. This is your cut.” He tried to give Jo the money and she was wrestling with him telling him to keep it.

“Jo! Stop! This is your cut, you paid for half the ticket, now take it or I’m going to be mad. I got the same amount. It’s all good.”

Jo stopped pushing his hand with the money away. She could use it she thought. “Are you sure?”

“Yup, it’s half yours.”

Jo took the money and put it in her wallet thinking that it would give her new debit card a break.

Auggie was smiling. Jo had no idea it was a slight ruse and he couldn’t help but admire Wes for coming up with a way that Jo would take money without making it look like a hand out. They paid for the groceries with cash, of course. When they got to Jo’s cabin a Fed-Ex truck was sitting in the drive way.

The driver approached the three of them. “B.J. Ross?”

“”Yes?” She said stepping forward.

“Package for you.” He handed Jo a box. “Please sign here.”

Jo signed. “Were you waiting for me?”

“Yes, instructions were to deliver today, priority.”

“Oh, well thank you.”

Auggie dug out a five from his wallet and tipped the man.

Jo was turning the package over in her hand gently. She was actually nervous considering all the mishaps she’d had. Griff and Auggie followed behind her with the bags of food and beer.

When they got inside Jo put the package on the table.

“Open it.” Griff said wondering what was inside.

“It’s okay Jo. You can open it.” Auggie said coming up behind her.

She looked at him suspiciously. “Do you know what it is?” She asked.

“Yes. It's from Wes.”

Jo gave him snarky look and then unwrapped the box. Inside she found a brand new top of the line iPhone. There were three cases enclosed as well. One case was one of those drop–me-off-a–building-I-won’t -break types. One was a girly pink one and the third had a guitar graphic on it. Jo smiled thinking of tough guy Wes picking these out.

She took the phone out of the case and saw that underneath was also a car charger along with the regular charger. He had thought of everything Jo noted. She then saw there was a note lying in the box.