“Jace man, come on.” Wes said tiredly as he plopped down in a chair.
Jace snubbed out the cigarette and shut the window.
“How’d it go?”
“I talked to her. She was skittish. She’s got a bruise on her face. Then this morning she saw the retraction that Ginger’s team put out. I think that helped. She told me she keeps seeing the kiss.”
Jace smiled. “I can’t stop seeing it either man. You kissed Ginger Lola.”
Wes growled. “S
he kissed me you ass!” Wes knew he was being teased but he was too tired to handle it.
Jace tossed Wes a new phone. “Here you go. Just got it this morning. I plugged in the numbers I knew.”
“Thanks. Okay anything else I need to know?”
“Frank called. He wants you to call him.”
“Okay thanks.”
Wes left Jace and went into his own office. He needed a shower but he wanted to call Frank first.
“Frank, it’s Wes.”
“Hi Wes did you see the news this morning?”
“I did thank you.”
“Just a little threatening. I do think you need to finish the job though.”
“My men are still watching, just from a distance.”
“Well for everyone concerned I think you should resume your normal security detail.”
“Why? What’s up?”
“Well for starters you need to fulfill the contract now that her team has rectified the situation.”
“That little bitch cost me more than you know."
“I know Wes. Jace filled me in. The movie scene is only going to take about five more days and you personally don’t have to be on 24-7. I already told Leena you would be taking very few shifts. She did ask that you take a shift tomorrow though; she’ll give you the details. She wants the public to see that you have no ill feelings towards Ginger.”
Wes humphed and Frank chuckled. “Come on man you kissed Ginger Lola.”
“That joke is getting fucking old!” Wes spat back.
“Okay sorry. Kidding aside. Ginger's received a death threat. Someone was not too happy that she had a man in her life.”
“Crap, what happened?"
"She received a cocktail napkin with some disturbing words on it when she was at the hotel's bar last night.”
“Okay, I’ll talk to Leena. Thanks Frank.”
“You’ll get my bill.” He said laughing.
After showering and changing Wes saw that Andy had come in so he told him what he had told Jace. The men switched car keys and Wes headed out. He was barely functioning because he was so tired, but he wanted to get Jo a phone. He stopped at the Verizon store and picked out a new iPhone with 64GB for her. He then put 100 dollars of credit for iTunes and 100 dollars of credit for the App store. He put his number in and took a selfie for the contact picture. He looked goofy in it but he knew it would make her smile.