“I didn’t not believe you Wes; it was just the kiss.” Jo closed her eyes. “I keep seeing that damn kiss.” Wes could tell by how her voice waivered that she was becoming emotional.
He stood up and went to stand right in front of her. He tilted her chin up so she could see his face. “I’m still sorry about everything Jo. I wish I’d never left.”
Jo nodded. “Me too.” She said sadly.
“Jo can you tell me what happened to you? Why you had to go to the hospital?”
Jo looked uncomfortable. She knew if she told Wes he’d go ballistic.
“Honey is it because of what you’re working on or past stuff?” Wes asked gently.
“I don’t know, but I think it's one of them.”
“Yeah, I think so too.”
The door burst open and Auggie and Griff walked in. Griff went right for the coffeepot.
“You still here?” Auggie said, going into protector mode.
“Don’t worry I stayed in the truck. I’m leaving now.” Wes replied not taking his eyes off of Jo. He then put his palm on her cheek and kissed the top of her head.
“I never meant to hurt you.” He said quietly with his eyes locked on to hers. She could see that this had really taken a toll on him too.
Wes turned to walk outside and gave Auggie a ‘follow me’ sign that Jo didn’t see.
“I think I’ll just walk you to your truck.” Auggie said sarcastically. Jo remained rooted where she was.
When they got outside Wes stopped and looked at Auggie.
“Listen to me and listen good. She could very well be in more danger than she even realizes. She needs to be looked out for. Do not leave her alone at all. I don’t care how you do it, but if you care for her you’ll find away to have sleep over’s.” Wes shot Auggie a look. “And not in her bed!”
“Sheesh man she’s a big girl, but don’t worry she’s like my sister.”
“Keep thinking that way. Now take this.” Wes dug in his wallet and took out 600 dollars and handed it to Auggie. Go buy a scratch off. Tell her if you win you’ll split it with her. You scratch it off. Don’t let her see it. Pretend you won and give her this cash. I don’t want her leaving a credit card trail. Don’t let her use her cards.”
Auggie nodded. “You’re serious about all this?”
“Deadly.” Wes said gravely.
“I’m also going to Fed Ex her a cell phone. She may balk at having it but please convince her to use it and keep it with her okay?”
“Okay. Anything else?”
“Please don’t let her out of your sight. She needs to rest and relax. I want her to be safe, but happy too.”
Auggie looked at Wes seeing him in a whole new light. “You really do care for her.” It wasn’t a question.
“It’s killing me to leave, but it's what she needs; I hope.”
Wes got in his truck. “You have a cell?” He asked Auggie.
“Good.” Taking Auggie’s number Wes thanked him. Then Wes took off feeling such a heavy pull in his chest that it physically hurt.
Chapter 18
Wes and Jo
When Wes arrived back at the office on Saturday Andy was out but Jace was leaning out his window having a smoke.