Page 45 of One Tough Love

“License and registration please.”

Wes handed him everything. It was Andy’s car but one phone call would verify that he had loaned it to Wes. The Sheriff came back to the truck.

“I’d like to ask you real friendly like to move on.” He said handing everything back to Wes.

"I'm not going to approach the house Sheriff. I just want to hang out for a bit. The woman inside…”

“Jo?” The Sheriff said and Wes nodded. Of course this guy knew her.

Wes continued. “She's been the victim of some scary stuff lately. I’m just going to hang until morning, and then I’ll leave.”

The Sheriff nodded and then walked down the driveway to Jo’s house. Wes saw him knock and a minute later Jo appeared. Wes watched as the Sheriff talked to her. Jo looked up the driveway towards him and nodded at the Sheriff. The Sheriff was satisfied with what she said and he turned to walk back to his car. Jo came down the front steps and approached the truck. Wes stepped down from the cab as the Sheriff passed by.

Jo stood in front of Wes with her arms crossed looking adorable in a pair of boxer shorts and a tee shirt. Her hair spilled down her back and she had flip flops on. She waved at the Sheriff who was pulling away and then looked back to Wes.

“Wes, go home. I heard all you had to say before.”

“Relax Jo; I’m not trying to stalk you. I already screwed up once leaving you alone, I just want to make sure you’re safe tonight.”

“I’ll be safe. We have an alarm.”

Wes nodded and looked at the unlit dirt road and back to her house. He took a deep breath, one more shot he thought. He remembered Jace telling him to ‘fight for her.'

“Jo I don’t know how to explain this. I’ve never had feelings like this before so I’m winging it here.” Jo shuffled her feet uncomfortably.

Wes continued. “I know I messed up with you. God knows I didn’t mean too and I swear that stuff with Ginger is a crock of shit. I wish I could make you believe that. Thing is…I’m afraid to leave.” Jo cocked her head not understanding how Wes would ever be afraid of anything.

“I’m afraid if I leave you’ll never want to see me. If I just sit here, at least until morning, maybe." He blew out a sad breath. "Maybe I’ll be able to wrap my head around not being with you ever again, but right now… Right now I can’t drive away.”

Jo had tears in her eyes. This handsome man was laying his heart down for her to stomp on if she wanted to. He’d lost his phone, so not contacting her was justified. She just couldn’t get around the Ginger Lola thing. She composed herself. She wasn’t letting him in the house though. She didn’t have that much will power.

“Okay Wes just until the morning, okay?”

“Fair enough Jo.” Wes was relieved, but now he dreaded morning coming. He knew he’d have to leave her then and it was going to kill him. He also knew he needed to make sure she was protected with him not around her. So while Wes watched Jo reentered her home and shut off the lights he did what he did best, he came up with a plan.

Jo tossed and turned all night. She’d gotten out of bed three times, with out turning the lights, on just to see if Wes was still there, and of course he was. She got out of bed at 5:00am, the boys were picking her up to go fishing at 5:45am. They’d been fishing together since they were kids and Jo loved how peaceful she always felt out on the lake in the early morning.

After washing her face and brushing her teeth she put the coffee pot on, turned on the television and snuck a peek out the front window. Wes was leaning on the truck. His hands were in his pockets and his head was bowed. She couldn’t see his face but she knew he hadn’t slept much. She had to let him go. She was going to hand him a cup of coffee for the road and tell him goodbye. The damn kiss plagued her.

She heard the television news reporter say the name Ginger Lola so she turned up the volume.

“For all you Ginger Lola fans we have learned that she is still single! Her publicist released this statement moments ago; ‘We regret the deceptiveness that the video represented. Ginger is mortified that her girlfriend would carry out such a deceitful charade. Ginger was under the impression that her good friend and bodyguard, Wes Tobin was aware of the seemingly harmless video. Ginger has since distanced herself from her friend who, without authorization, released the tape. She regrets any problems the video may have caused.’

The news anchor continued. “So it seems Ginger is not hearing wedding bells like we had all thought.”

The co-anchor made a comment that maybe now he had a shot with her and the other anchor joked back with him.

Jo sat down in the kitchen chair. Wes wasn’t lying. She had to tell him about the retraction. Jo went to the front door and opened it. Wes looked up and gave her a weak smile. He thought she was going to tell him to leave; instead she gave him a sweet, small smile and waved for him to come inside.

Wes hesitated, he quickly walked to the front thinking she was just formally saying good bye to him. When he entered the house Jo handed him a cup of coffee and motioned for him to sit at the kitchen table, which he did. She then got the remote for the television and started clicking channels. Wes was too tired to really notice that she seemed intent on finding something.

“Here.” Jo said looking at him and directing his attention to the television.

Wes watched as a news anchor read the statement from Ginger’s publicist, Leena. Well that answered one question he thought. Ginger had wormed her way out of any wrong doing by throwing her friend Carrie to the wolves. He couldn’t wait to hear what his lawyer had to say.

“You weren’t lying.” Jo said softly.

“No, although I believe Ginger had more to do with it than the press will ever know.”