“Two hours.” Andy and Jace said at the same time and then they chuckled.
“Did you call Frank?” Frank was T.U.F.’s lawyer and had become a good friend.
“Yeah, he’s on it. He thinks we should pull the security detail from Ginger. He says she broke a clause in the contract. If we want them to know how serious we are about this, we need to send a message.”
“What do you think?” Andy asked seriously. This was where Wes was a mastermind. He could analyze data and spit out comprehensible information better than any computer program.
“I’m not sure to be honest. If we pull the detail and something happens to her T.U.F.’s will take a hit.”
“What ever you think Wes, you know we’re with you.” Jace said.
“I’m thinking just the threat of pulling security might work, but just in case, what I think we should do is pull the team back, so that it appears as if she is not being guarded, but covertly keep our guys on her.”
“That’s smart. Want me to email them?”
“Yeah, I’m going to call Leena now.”
Wes returned to his office and Jace emailed the security team assigned to guard Ginger and gave them their updated assignment. Andy called down the street for take out. He knew as soon as Wes finished with Leena that he’d hit the road and Andy wanted to send him off with some food. The man looked like he’d dropped ten pounds.
Wes sat down at his desk to call Leena. He thought back to how she had been looking at him when they'd gotten off the jet and he had delivered Ginger to her. Now the strange looks she'd been giving him made sense.
“Leena, this is Wes.”
“Wes? What’s happening? Ginger just texted me that her security detail just left.”
“Yeah, we’re done Leena. Ginger broke our contract posting that video and lying about our relationship. T.U.F.’s won’t associate with someone that exposes our employees to scrutiny. I’m just damn glad it was me and not one of my guys.”
“Wes, I had no idea. I thought the video was true. I was actually happy that you two were finally together. She’s been talking about you since she first met you.”
“It was a lie Leena, a nasty, pitiful attempt to promote herself. I had no idea about it until I got home. My lawyer will be calling you in the morning. We’re suing everyone involved and it won’t be pretty. I know Ginger will say she wasn't involved, but she was and T.U.F.'s can't work with a liability like that.” Wes hung up satisfied that he’d just scared the shit out of Leena. He almost felt sorry for her. Ginger was so manipulative Leena probably didn’t know half the crap she pulled.
Wes stood up and crossed into his private bathroom. He showered and changed into jeans and a tee shirt. Now he was goi
ng to see if Jo would talk to him, but more importantly he just needed to make sure she was all right. He was still a mess knowing that she’d spent last night in the hospital.
When he entered Andy’s office Jace threw him a bag of ice and a small towel. “For your face man.” Wes thanked him he was going to have a shiner from Nick’s blast to his face.
Andy nodded at a bag on the desk. “Food for the road.” Wes smiled his guys knew him so well.
Next Andy threw him his keys to the truck. “Where you’re going you’ll need my truck. Her cabin is on a dirt road.”
“Thanks. My keys are in my desk you can take the Porsche.”
Andy smiled. “Really? Your baby? Jace maybe he got hit harder than we thought?” He teased.
Wes chuckled. “Jace can you get me a new phone?”
“I’ll have it tomorrow. I’ll program in all your work numbers.”
“Thanks. If I had a phone I’d keep you posted.” Wes smiled at his two best friends and left.
The entire drive to Union Dale Wes kept thinking about Jo and wondering how she had been injured. He still didn’t know any details. He was slightly comforted by the fact that she’d been released from the hospital after one night. Wes kept mentally rehearsing what he’d say to her when he found her. He was sure if he could just get her to listen to him she would understand.
He was also debating how to even approach her. Should he just walk up to the door and knock? What if her parents were there? What if someone else was there? Wes’ gut tightened imagining her with male company. Even though he reasoned that if she’d met someone in the last five days he’s been gone, he couldn’t see Jo going away with them. Plus wouldn’t she have called that person from the hospital? No, she couldn't have found another man yet. He prayed.
The ride was an easy one and Wes was glad he’d taken Andy’s truck since the last twenty minutes had been a series of back roads and half of them were dirt. The GPS was signaling for Wes to turn right and Wes noted a small bar on the corner called The Candlelight Inn. There was nothing around the place, no homes or other businesses, yet its small lot was packed.
Wes turned down the dirt road that would lead him to Jo. He still didn’t have a solid game plan yet. The houses on the small road that curved around the lake varied in size and style. There were A-frames, cabins, trailers, ranches, and large classy homes. Wes could see the edge of the lake because some of the homes had lights in their back yard.