Page 40 of One Tough Love

After that Wes began to return to normal, and by normal that meant, super smart, fearless leader, great friend Wes.

They moved into a small apartment together and Wes continued to pull himself back to the land of the living. He still drank, but now in moderation, he still worked out, but now with a purpose, and, he still had his share of woman, but only when he needed a date for a function. The entire time Andy had known Wes he had never been in a relationship. He’d rarely ever seen Wes with the same woman more than a couple times. So seeing his friend this torn up over a woman, Andy had no doubt his friend cared about Jo at an entirely new level. Andy almost smiled with the irony of it; that even Wes, the man who was a logistics genius, was thrown off kilter because of a woman.

Wes was in the back seat and met Andy’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “I didn’t protect her. She was in the hospital and I didn’t even know. Maybe I should leave her alone, like Nick said.” Wes said quietly.

Jace turned around to look at him. “Wes, you were on a job. If you had known you would have been there for her.”

Wes hung his head. “I should have been there for her. I should have never let Ginger strong arm me into going. I screwed up and she got hurt.”

“Wes we’ll find her.” Andy said confidently.

“Yeah, but should we?”

Andy looked at Jace and Jace sighed heavily. “Wes right now you’re tired, you’ve had two major shocks. We’re going back to the office and track down Jo. You’re going to lie down and as soon as we find her you’re going to go explain to her what happened.”

Wes shook his head still in disbelief concerning everything that had been thrown at him in the last couple of hours. He then looked up at his friends. His eyes were blood shot, he looked disheveled, but a steely tone entered his voice.

“Alright, but first I’m calling our lawyer. Ginger is going to retract that statement and video.”

Jace slapped the back of the seat happily and Andy smiled. “Now that’s the Wes we know. Fight for her man, if you really like her, fight for her.”

Wes got a tiny smile on his face. That was exactly what he was going to do. He was going to tear Ginger, Carrie and who ever else was a part of the bogus charade apart, and then he was going after his Jo.

Chapter 17


When they got back to their offices Wes went into his office and Jace grabbed his laptop and went into Andy's office.

“He really likes her.” Jace said quietly while typing away.

“Yeah, I got that.”

“I was thinking…”

“Yeah, me too and if things go south with her, he still might.”

Jace nodded, and then shouted, “Got her!”

Andy looked up. “Me too!”

“Okay.” Jace said typing furiously. “Let’s see what the hell is in Union Dale, Pennsylvania.”

A few minutes later Andy said. “Bingo!”

Jace looked up and Andy smiled. “Her family has a cabin on Lowe Lake. She’s got to be there!”

Wes walked into Andy’s office and saw his friends smiling.

“We think we know where she is Wes.”


“Her parent’s own a cabin on Lowe Lake in Pennsylvania.” Jace said

Andy continued. “I got a hit for gas, groceries, and earlier a take out charge at The Candlelight Inn, which according to Google maps is about a half mile from their property.”

Wes looked thoughtful. “How far away is it?” He asked.