Page 39 of One Tough Love

Nick, I'm going away for a bit to unwind. Thank you again for picking me up at the hospital. You're a good friend. Don't worry I'll be okay. Love, Jo

“Hospital?” Wes asked loudly looking back to Andy and Jace. This was not good.

“Yeah asshole, Jo got hurt last night.”

Wes was shaking and Jace placed a hand on his shoulder to help calm him.

“What happened?” Wes asked anxiously.

“Maybe if you had paid more attention to her than your little movie star whore you would know. Maybe then she wouldn’t have had to spend the night in the hospital, alone. No. I actually wish you’d been here this morning because then you could have seen her face when she saw you and Ginger Lola together.” Nick was becoming unglued again and his little speech had hit Wes hard.

Andy tried to diffuse the situation.

“Nick we get it, your upset. Wes already told you that shit with Lola was news fodder. If he could have been here he would have.”

Wes had both hands in his hair and then he quickly took a few steps to the nearby bushes and puked.

Jace and Andy knew right then that their friend was into Jo a whole lot more than they thought.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” was all Wes could say wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.

Andy turned to Nick. “Do you know where she would go?”

Nick sneered at him. “No and I wouldn’t tell you if I did. You hurt her enough.”

“Man, don’t you think she deserves to know the truth?” Andy said sincerely.

“How do I know it’s the truth? How do you?” Nick threw back at him.

Andy shrugged his shoulders. “He’s my best friend. I think I would know when he’s lying.”

“Nick if you hear from her…” Wes said slowly walking towards him.

“Forget it ass wipe. You fucked up, leave her alone.”

Nick opened his door, stepped in and slammed it shut.

Wes stood on the sidewalk looking at his two best friends.

“She’s got to be hating me. I’m so screwed.”

Andy put a big hand on Wes’ shoulder and steered him to the truck. “Wes it looks bad, it does, but we’ll find her.”

Wes nodded and a look of distress crossed his face. “And then what?”

Jace put his hand on Wes’ other shoulder. “Then you go get her back man.”

The ride back to the office was quiet. Wes was in the back and Andy kept checking on him in his rear view. Andy

had known Wes since they first started boot camp. From the first day the three of them had had each others backs. When their tests had revealed that they each had an aptitude for certain talents they had been sent on for special training.

The three of them continued to excel, each showing talents in different fields. Wes was a natural leader. He had a keen eye for seeing opportunities as well as risks before they even presented themselves. He was great with computers and even though Andy out weighed him by a good fifty pounds Wes could hold his own with him.

Seeing his friend looking so distraught made Andy remember one time in Afghanistan when Wes had been tasked with ferreting out a supply camp. Wes figured out where would be the best place for the Taliban to hoard their supplies and he along with four of his best men snuck in and destroyed it. That was a good op. He had been in a few bad ones too.

Another time Wes had been called in to negotiate with a group of villagers who were holding two civilian men hostage, one British and one American. Wes lost the two men and had witnessed their brutal execution. After that they had lost him, not physically, but emotionally he had distanced himself from everyone, including himself and Jace. During that dark time Wes drank heavily, worked out harder, and went through women like water.

It took almost a year before they even saw Wes smile again. They were back home by then and Wes had called the two of them asking them to meet him to discuss a business venture. That night, the night they formed T.U.F., was the night they had broken through to him. It still affected Andy. They had told Wes they were interested, but they were concerned, mainly about his mental status. Wes was shocked; he didn’t even know he’d been different. So much pain came out that night and it was the first and only time they had seen Wes become emotional.