“Holy Shit! This has been on television?” Wes began to pace.
Andy nodded.
“It’s been on every channel and it’s made the tabloids.” Jace told him.
“Oh my God. I’m gonna kill her!” Wes said aggressively.
“Who?” Andy asked seriously.
“This is all Ginger, she…” Wes stopped speaking suddenly. “Jo. Jo has probably seen this too.” His voice portrayed the anguish he was feeling.
“Uh, so this video and what they’re saying is all a lie?” Andy asked still trying to get a grasp on what Wes was telling them.
“It’s all crap.” Wes nodded. “I have to go to Jo’s, now.” He said heading out the door.
“Who’s driving me?”
Andy stood and fished his keys out of his desk.
On the drive over to Jo's, Wes told the guys exactly what had been happening with Miss Ginger-Not-So-Sweet Lola.
The king cab truck pulled up in front of Jo’s and the first thing Wes noticed was that her car wasn’t in her spot. He told the guys he’d be right back as he hopped out. Maybe something had happened to her car again and she was home. He prayed that she was. He sure had a lot to explain.
He knocked on her door and when he realized she wasn’t home he started walking back towards the truck. Nick’s Mercedes pulled into its space and Nick got out and stormed towards Wes. Jace and Andy jumped out of the truck, they knew what was about to happen.
Nick pushed Wes in the chest hard.
“You stupid son of a bitch! How could you?” Nick was infuriated.
Wes didn’t even get a chance to answer him as Nick nailed him in the face with a powerful punch. Wes staggered backwards and then put his hands up to defend himself further from more blows. Wes was trained in hand to hand and if he let loose on Nick he’d hurt him, badly. Wes was fending off Nick's hard punches and when Andy saw that Wes wasn’t going to defend himself he jumped in grabbing Nick by the arms.
“Let me go. I’ll sue your ass.” Nick spat vehemently.
“Listen asshole, calm down.” Jace said calmly from the side. They had been in more fights than most normal men so their emotions were easily set aside.
Nick shook Andy’s hands off of him and continued to stare daggers at Wes.
“You fucking piece of shit! Why are you here? You want to hurt her some more.”
Wes was unnerved by the viciousness Nick was directing at him. He had thought Nick probably liked Jo, but Wes was thinking this was a bit over the top.
“It’s a lie Nick. It never happened.” Wes said tersely. Knowing this was about the video.
“It sure looked like something happened.” Nick said trying to compose himself.
“It’s a media tease and I got played.” Wes said uncomfortably.
“What the gorgeous movie star just happened to kiss you while you two were cozily tucked away at some fancy spa?”
“Nick, I know it looks bad but I am not with Ginger, as a matter of fact I fucking hate her!” Wes shot back at him starting to lose his composure.
Nick was still plenty mad and stood shaking out his fist that had connected with Wes’ face.
“Where’s Jo, Nick?” Wes asked quietly.
“I don’t know.” He answered honestly. “She should be here.” Then Nick saw the paper taped to his door.
Nick walked to the door and Wes saw the note taped to it so he followed. Andy and Jace trailed silently behind them. Nick took the note down and read it out loud.