Page 37 of One Tough Love

Wes called the manager as soon as he got back in his room. The desk person was fired and he had a new card key issued. That night Wes regretted taking the high profile job. It was taking its toll on him professionally and it had screwed with his personal life too. Wes valued his privacy, he always had, and the fact that it also affected his potential relationship with Jo did not sit well with him. He was tired of spoiled little Ginger and her outlandish behavior and he missed Jo, a lot. All he wanted was to talk to her and he knew he’d feel better. He knew that he was probably not her favorite person right now and that ate at him. He also knew he would try like crazy to make her understand what had happened.

Wes wasn’t considered a real people person. He had a few close friends and that was pretty much the extent of his social life. He dated, but he had always been awkward when it came to talking to them. He was much more at ease in front of his computer. For some reason Jo was different. He was comfortable with her and he found himself wanting to talk to her, share things with her. He just prayed she hadn’t already written him off. He was also still concerned about her safety and he was second guessing his decision to send Andy to her townhouse to check on her and explain what had happened.

On Wednesday word had spread that Ginger Lola was at the exclusive Arizona spa and a crowd of fans had collected outside the tall iron gates. Leena called and told Wes that she had set up a time that the press could have access to Ginger. It was for pictures only, no questions were to be answered, and no interviews were to be granted. Leena assured Wes it would only last for a few minutes.

So at 8:00pm on Thursday night Wes, Ginger and Carrie met in a large conference room at the spa, so photographers could take some quick shots of Ginger. Leena had insisted on this because apparently word had gotten out that Ginger was in rehab because of a two-day binge and Leena needed to show the public that Ginger was not in rehab. A press release stated that Ginger was exhausted from doing the movie and was just taking a little break.

Wes watched as Ginger worked the room. He had a smile on his face, not because he was mesmerized by Ginger, but because he was amazed at how she could transform herself into a funny, warm, smiling person for the public and then a mere minute later turn into an absolute conniving bitch that only a few people ever witnessed.

The last picture had been taken and Wes watched the paparazzi being herded from the room. He jerked as he felt a body press up against his back and two arms wrapped around his chest. He turned to find Ginger plastered against him and before he could push her off of him she place her lips on his.

Wes shoved her away and gave her a look that would have sent most running for cover, but not Ginger. She simply laughed it off whispering to him that he had no idea what he was missing and that she would have him. Then she and Carrie went skipping off to have a massage leaving Wes to follow behind them totally disgusted and frustrated with the crazy woman.

Before they entered the massage room Carrie announced that she needed to get something from her room first. Wes didn’t think anything of it at the time, besides his job was to watch Ginger, not her gal pals.

Unbeknownst to Wes and the spa’s security team, who also were more intent on watching Ginger than her buddy, Carrie had befriended one of the young reporters who had been taking pictures. Under the pre-planned, carefully orchestrated instructions from Ginger, Carrie had made her own little video, one that Ginger had starred in and directed. Ginger wanted Wes, so Wes was what she was going to have, even if it was all fabricated.

Carrie had snuck out to where the photographers had been gathering to find the perfect prey. She found a young man and talked him into letting her use his cell phone. She promised him it would be worth his while. Carrie recorded exactly what Ginger had told her to and then she pretended she needed something from her room and snuck back out to meet the young man at the public entrance to the spa. She handed the phone with the self-directed video clip, back to him through the security gate's

bars. She told him the clip had to make National news and that Ginger’s boyfriends name was Wes Tobin. She said that they were madly in love and that Wes was also her bodyguard. The photographer was practically salivating and assured her that both television stations and tabloids alike would be eager to show who Miss Ginger Lola was dating now.

The photographer left quickly before anyone saw him. He was confident this little film that he’d watch the devious friend of Gingers candidly shoot would bring in big money, after all Ginger Lola was a huge star. Carrie, on the other hand, was simply happy that she could do something for her best friend. She hoped this would help Ginger finally get the man she’d been drooling over for the last few weeks.

On Friday evening Wes, Carrie and Ginger stepped off the private jet. The ride home had been quiet. Wes was so steamed at Ginger that he barely spoke to her. The girls were all giggles the entire ride home, laughing at who knew what on their phones. Wes was exhausted and when he turned Ginger over to Leena at the airport, he informed her that he would send two security people to the hotel as soon as he got to his office. He told Leena that he needed a few days to recoup and his team would watch Ginger for the next few days using him for emergencies only. Leena was looking at him strangely, but Wes was too tired to ask why. He was on the verge of telling her about Ginger coming into his room but he was too damn worn-out and he didn’t want to get into it right then.

The limo dropped him at his office and when he walked in Jace and Andy were sitting in Andy’s office having a drink. They watched Wes as he tossed his bag on the floor and sank into one of the leather chairs. Jace poured Wes a drink and waited for him to talk. They’d seen the video on television, everyone had. Both Jace and Andy had been surprised as shit when they’d seen it. They really thought he’d been into Jo, but Ginger Lola, well she was hot.

“Jace can you do me a favor and email the team. Tell them to start the shifts up again and have Gus and Larry take mine.”

Jace nodded and sent off a quick email to Wes’ team that had had a nice four day break, and told them to resume coverage, minus Wes.

Wes took another sip of his scotch then looked from Andy to Jace.

“Hey did you get me Jo’s number?” He asked wearily. He’d thought about Jo the entire plane ride home and he wanted to speak to her as soon as possible.

The guys looked at each other and then back to Wes.

“No Jill deleted it.” Jace said.

“What?” Why the hell would she do that?” Wes slammed his drink down on the table and washed his hands over his face.

“Well, she said that Jo wouldn’t be performing at the bar anymore.”

“Did she say why?” Wes was confused. He started to get the feeling something was wrong. "Andy were you able to talk to her?"

"No I went there on Wednesday and she wasn't home. I didn't think I should leave a note."

"Shit." Wes mumbled.

“Wes.” Andy said taking the initiative but looking at Jace for support. “Why do you want Jo’s number?”

Wes looked at his two best friends like they’d lost their mind. “You know why I need it. I need to explain about not calling her. It's been almost a week since I've even talked to her.” Wes didn’t like how they were looking at him.

“What’s up guys, I’m too fucking tired for games, spill it?”

Jace stood up went to his desk and came back with his iPad. He put it in Wes’ hands and pressed a link.

Wes watched in horror as a TMZ news story enthusiastically told viewers that Ginger Lola had a new boyfriend, her bodyguard. Wes paled as he watched the sickening lie unfold on the screen. Wes realized that Ginger and Carrie must have planned the cruel farce. Jace and Andy quietly sat back watching their friend as he viewed the entire footage. Wes was starting to swear under his breath. He knew that this was what the girls had been laughing at while on the plane. Wes was furious and luckily Andy grabbed the iPad out of his hand before he could throw it across the room.