Nick thank you for coming.” Jo said as she placed her hand on his arm. “But can I tell you on the way home? You can drive me home right?”
“Yeah, come on.” Nick put his arm around her and Jo moaned as he touched her hip. “Oh man you are really hurt.” He said sadly. He gently tucked her under his arm and kissed her he
The orderly arrived with a wheelchair and a pair of paper shoes. Her own sneakers were still wet. There was a policy that all patients left in wheelchairs so Jo sat and Nick wheeled her.
As they entered the main lobby the television over the reception desk was showing the story about Ginger and Wes again. Nick stopped short as he watched the news piece. When the segment finished he knelt down next to Jo who was looking at the floor. She couldn’t bring herself to watch it again.
“I’ve seen it.” Jo said through tears that had started up again.
“Oh baby I’m sorry.” Nick kissed her head again and started to once again wheel her out. “That rat bastard, I knew he was trouble.” Nick was steaming mad.
“No it’s fine Nick. We went on two dates. It’s no big deal, really.”
“I thought you liked him Jo? Like really liked him.”
Jo groaned as the morning sun hit her eyes. “I did like him, a lot but you know me I always fall faster than I should. Can we change the subject please?” Jo hated being this way with Nick but she couldn’t talk about Wes any more. He had totally stomped on her self-esteem and she needed to get over him, fast.
On the drive back to Jo’s house she filled Nick in on her accident. He was worried for her and told her so. Jo confided to him that she was pretty concerned now too. She told Nick that maybe she was rattling the right cages regarding her new investigative piece. Nick asked what the story was about, but Jo told him she couldn’t share just yet. He implored her to be careful and Jo could see he was genuinely concerned.
Nick had to go to work but he told her he’d call her later. Jo explained that her phone had gone into the creek with her so she wouldn’t be taking any calls. Nick didn’t look too happy with that info and he told Jo he would take her to get a new phone when he got off of work. She didn't have the energy to explain that she couldn't afford one.
Jo thanked him and walked inside. Well maybe she had one friend she thought morosely. Jo was exhausted and she needed to shower. The shower only worsened Jo’s spirits because she saw all the awful bruises covering her hips and shoulders. She washed her sensitive skin gently. Using her one arm actually pained her so she finished quickly then threw on an old soft tee shirt and a pair of shorts.
In the shower Jo decided she had been battered enough, mentally and physically. Wes had done a number on her head and her heart. She couldn’t believe how two faced he was. She was also concerned that who ever had pushed her into the creek was getting more brazen. Jo needed to distance herself, from Wes and who ever was hell bent to hurt her.
She walked up the street to the deli that she frequented and when the deli owner Ralph saw her he knew something was wrong. He came out from around the counter and placed Jo in a chair.
“Jo were you in an accident?” His concern for her was real.
“Yes, yesterday. I’m okay though, thank you.”
“What can I get for you?” He said thinking she was hungry.
“Actually Ralph, I lost my phone in the accident, could I borrow yours? It will only be for a minute.”
“Of course, wait right here.”
Ralph went into the back and returned with his cell. He walked away to give her privacy.
Jo called her mom's number. It rang twice before she picked up.
“Mom, hi, it’s Jo.”
“Oh hi honey. Do you have a new number?”
“Believe it or not I lost my phone again yesterday and I’m borrowing a friend's” There was no way she could tell her parents what had happened, they’d be in the car, dragging her back to live with them in a heartbeat.
“Oh Jo you have to start taking better care of your things.” Her mom chastised her like she was a child.
“Yes, Mom I will, so anyway I was wondering if anyone was using the lake house this week?’
“No, nobody why?”
“Well I just thought I'd take a little vacation and I wanted to go up there, but I didn’t want to intrude if you and Dad or Lou were using it.”