Page 31 of One Tough Love

“Oh, sorry Nick I zoned out.” Jo tried to smile.

“Do you want dinner?” Nick asked.

“I, uh, sure, let’s eat.” Jo said with more cheerfulness than she was feeling.

They ordered and luckily Nick kept the conversation alive. Jo picked at her quesadilla and when Nick had finished his dinner and the waitress returned to clear the plates she asked her to box up the leftovers.

“You didn’t eat much Jo, is everything alright?”

“I’m just not that hungry. I had a late lunch.” She lied.

Jo told Nick that she had a headache, which wasn’t a lie, so Nick signaled for the check. She didn’t even argue when Nick offered to pay.

The early evening weather had cooled to a comfortable temperature and Nick and Jo leisurely strolled home. When they got to their doorsteps Jo had a feeling Nick was going to suggest they hang out so she quickly reminded him of her headache and said she wanted to lie down.

Nick was concerned that she didn’t feel well and gave her a sweet kiss on her forehead before telling her to call him if she needed anything. It reminded Jo of the night before when Wes had said practically the same thing and it brought tears to her eyes. Jo ducked her head so Nick would not see them. She thanked him for dinner and made a clean getaway into her home.

Jo sat on her couch and let the tears stream down her face unchecked. She didn’t understand Wes. Why would he be so romantic and caring with her last night only to hang up on her tonight? Then Jo remembered hearing the girl’s voice. Her stomach clenched and Jo ran for the bathroom making it there just in time to empty her stomach.

That evening Jo did not work on her article; she just could not concentrate. She felt stupid and hurt. She knew she and Wes had only been on two dates and that he had never mentioned that they were exclusive, but she still couldn't believe how callous he had been. Jo sighed heavily knowing she had just lived up to her typical M.O. She fell hard and fast when it came to men. Jo had not had too many men that she had deemed worthy to fall for, but when she did she was a goner.

Jo watched television until she fell into a restless sleep. When the birds started tweeting at dawn Jo gave up and got out of bed. She cleaned her townhouse throwing herself into the mindless chore. When she finished she went on line looking for singing jobs and even emailed a few possible leads. She then tossed on her work out clothes and headed out for a run. There was no way she was running the lake route today so she plugged in her Strava App and found a new route that went no where’s near Wes’ condo.

Jo pounded the sidewalk as her workout playlist played on her iPhone. Pleased that there were no other people outside yet, on what was sure to be a beautiful Tuesday, Jo extended her workout. She ran through a small wooded area that she never knew existed.

She realized the dirt trail was probably popular for people who walked their dogs since there were dog waste bags and receptacles every quarter mile. Halfway around the secluded trail Jo came to a small footbridge with a creek running underneath it. She crossed it and then had to choose between two paths. In her peripheral vision she saw a dark blur to her left. With her ear phones in she hadn't heard anything and when she quickly turned she saw a black lab scampering over the bridge. It was so sudden that it scared the shit out of her. The dog crossed the bridge, ran underneath it, and Jo watched it splashing happily in the rocky waters below.

Jo took out her ear buds and could hear its owner calling for the dog. Happy that it wasn't a pet in need of rescue Jo reinserted her ear buds and after catching her breath she chose the opening on her left. This trail went uphill and when Jo reached the top she was so thoroughly winded she had to stop. The view was beautiful and she decided to relax for a few minutes, so she found a tree to lean back against. She looked at her Strava App and saw that she’d already logged five miles. Jo remained at her quiet vista and tried to enjoy the view but thoughts of Wes invaded her so she finally gave up and ran back down the remote trail.

When Jo got home Nick was sitting on the front step, shirtless and looking yummy in his running shorts.

“I was worried. You didn’t run our loop.” He was sweating from his own workout and Jo watched a bead of his sweat run down his carved abs. She saw Nick smile and she blushed knowing he'd caught her ogling him, again.

“No I explored.” Jo said as she threw herself on the grass to stretch.

“What did you find?” Nick asked excited about a possible new running path.


??Actually it’s pretty cool.” Jo said placing her forehead on her extended legs. Nick waited for her to straighten up. “I ran into the Fickle area, you know by that run down bar we went to last year?”


“Yeah and I found a trail that leads to that big National Park area. I ran the lower trail and then ran up the trails in the Park. When I got to the top of the hill I rested and walked most of the way back.”

“Wow that’s one heck of a run.” Nick was impressed. “I feel like a slug, I just ran our loop. I was hoping I’d catch up to you.”

“Sorry I was out pretty early.”

“So you’re feeling better I take it?”

“Yeah, thanks and thanks for last night. I’ll pay for our next dinner.”

“That’s a date.” Nick said enthusiastically.

“Uh Nick…”

“Oh sheesh Jo, I’m kidding, it’s a friend date, are you happy now?”