“Yes.” Jo answered as she lay watching him dress.
Wes went into the bathroom, shut the door and returned a few minutes later looking fresher and more rested than he did last night.
“I’ll call you Jo.”
She didn’t like how he was sounding so distant already and when she tried to get up to walk him to the door he pressed her back onto her pillow and told her he’d find his way out.
Once again he thanked her and Jo listened as he moved around in her living room she knew he was putting on his shoes and socks that he had removed last night. She then heard the door open then close.
Jo got out of her bed and lifted a corner of her shade to watch him get in his car. He was talking on his phone somewhat animatedly and all the concerns that Jo had been experiencing resurfaced. What if he had a girlfriend and he was just using her as a fling? She didn’t think he’d be that kind of man, but his mysterious phone calls, odd hours and secrecy had planted a seed of doubt. If it was work related why couldn't he just tell her that?
What they had shared that morning had been unbelievable. It had been sweet and emotional, yet hot and wonderfully sensual at the same time. Her body had responded to Wes in ways she'd only read about. She had never climaxed that hard, ever, and the memory of it made her shiver. Even more importantly was how Wes had acted towards her. He had been tender, passionate, and so wickedly sexy. There was no way he could be that amorous with her and then leave to be with someone else. Could he? Jo pushed the question away. She needed to stop over analyzing everything and enjoy their time together. It had to be work related. Right?
Jo got back into her bed and snuggled into the sheets that now smelled like sex and Wes. She inhaled the pillow he had slept on and giggled. Before she drifted back off to sleep, her last thought was that she could easily fall in love with the man.
Chapter 14
Jo didn’t hear from Wes anymore on Saturday, but since she was still on cloud nine from
their hot, morning session she wasn’t worried. She ran with Nick in the afternoon, then lazily watched television for the rest the day. She was willing her phone to ring or ping with a text, but it remained quiet. One thing she had come to a decision about was to ask Wes, flat out, where she stood with him. She was simply going to explain that his elusiveness made her uneasy.
Sunday morning Nick knocked on her door with bagels and insisted they go for drinks after he finished work on Monday since they had missed their normal Friday Happy Hour together.
On Monday morning, after two days of waiting for her phone to ring or ping, she finally got a text from Wes.
Miss you
Jo decided not to return it right away. She didn’t want to play games with him but she hated that she was always waiting for him to connect with her. Did he already think she was always going to be available when he wanted her to be?
Monday night was a beautiful evening and Jo and Nick sat out on the terrace at their favorite Mexican restaurant. Jo was on her second margarita and having a good time. This was why she liked spending time with Nick. They were good friends, could converse easily, and they found the same things funny. Nick told Jo about the girl he was dating, which put Jo at ease. He asked about Wes and she told him that she did like Wes, and that they’d had a nice date the week before, and had dinner last night. Nick had not spent the night at his place last night so Jo knew he had no idea that Wes had slept over. She did tell him that whatever job Wes was on kept him busy, and that they talked on the phone a lot or texted. She could tell Nick wanted to say something to her but he remained quiet, which Jo appreciated. She knew Nick was not a fan of Wes'.
By Jo’s third margarita she was feeling deliciously buzzed. Nick had her laughing at stupid lawyer jokes, and she was matching his funny stories with ones of her own from the paper. Nick excused himself to use the restroom and Jo, with alcohol induced bravado, decided to call Wes. She’d never called him before but she figured if he was busy he didn’t have to answer the phone.
Jo dialed the number he had given her and heard it ringing. On the fourth ring he answered. “Jo?”
“Uh, hi.” Jo could hear laughter in the background and it was not a male's voice.
“Everything alright?” Wes asked. He sounded agitated, she then heard him speak to some one and she heard a female giggling. Jo felt her stomach bottom out.
“Yeah, I just wanted to say hi.” Jo said suddenly feeling foolish.
“Oh, uh, I wish I could talk to you Jo but…”
Jo could hear a female voice asking Wes to ‘come here.’ She could tell Wes had tried to cover his phone to mute out the voice.
“I’m sorry Wes I shouldn’t have called.”
“Yeah, it’s not a good time.” Jo was crushed and before she could say goodbye the phone went silent. He had hung up.
Jo put her phone away before Nick came back and took a huge gulp of her drink. By the time Nick got back to the table Jo had composed herself, outwardly anyway. Inside she was a mess. She couldn’t believe she’d been so stupid about Wes.
He was with a female that was obvious. He had clearly been annoyed that she had called him, and now she wished she’d never had. The strong woman in Jo chastised herself telling her it was good that she had called. It was better to find out now then if she became really invested in the jerk.
Nick started chatting and Jo tried to concentrate on what he was saying, but inside she was numb.
“Jo? Jo?” Nick snapped his fingers in front of her face.