When they got to Jo’s car she unlocked it and placed the guitar in the back seat. When she straightened Wes wrapped her in an amazing embrace. He then bent to kiss her goodbye. Jo was on her tip-toes, her torso pressed intimately against his. The kiss was passionate and Jo could feel the hard response it had elicited from his body.
Wes’ cell vibrated again and he groaned as they pulled away from each other. He looked at his screen. “I’m sorry I do have to go.”
“Thanks again for coming tonight Wes. I did love your request.”
“I meant it Jo. I’ve missed you.”
He gave Jo a quick kiss on her lips and watched her get into her car before turning towards his.
Chapter 13
Wes and Jo
The next week, Wes texted Jo every day, often multiple times, and Jo always responded. He didn't call every night though, and when he did call Jo could hear the strain in his voice. Whatever he was doing was running him ragged. On Tuesday they met for coffee. Jo was delighted to see him but he was so tired he kept yawning.
Jo wondered what he could possibly be doing that has him this worn out. They never discussed their relationship and although she was curious to know where she stood with him she kept her mouth shut. He never gave her any reason to think anything other than good thoughts, but because of his strange hours and secrecy a little niggle of insecurity gnawed at her.
On Thursday she met him in a park for ice cream. She didn’t ask why they were meeting there or where he had to dash off to at precisely 5:00pm. She found that talking to him was easy, and when they were together it was always enjoyable. Even though she'd only known him a few weeks and seen him a grand total of four times she felt like she'd known him much longer.
On Friday he called her at 4:00pm and told her that he had a last minute change in his schedule and that he could he take her to dinner if she was free. Jo was delighted and dressed with care. She was a little surprised that he didn't ask why she wasn't singing at the bar, but she knew he had been so busy he probably had just forgotten. He didn’t say how long he could spend with her, but she was going to do everything possible to let him know how much she liked him.
They met at the restaurant in Jo’s town that she and Nick frequented for Happy Hour. Wes had driven there and Jo walked. They sat inside instead of on the terrace, and once again Wes sat on the same side of the table as her. She loved how he was always touching her thigh or caressing her neck.
They talked about everything except what Jo hoped they would discuss and that was what he was doing with all his time. If she hadn’t Googled him she would think that he was married and she was an unsuspecting affair, but the article that popped up about T.U.F.’s, that was written just last year, clearly stated that all three men, Wes, Jace, and Andy were single.
At one point when they were enjoying their first drink, Jo tried to steer the conversation towards what was making him so tired, but Wes dodged the question and it left Jo feeling awkward. The intuitive niggle was starting to become more like an alarm. They ordered dinner and she felt like she was the one keeping the conversation flowing. Wes kept stifling yawns and Jo hated that he was out with her because he probably felt like he needed to be rather than wanting to be.
Jo excused herself from the table and when she came back she was carrying their dinners in take out bags. Wes was texting and as soon as she reached the table he quickly put the phone away.
“What’s going on?” He asked eyeing the bags.
“Come on, I know you’re tired, Wes.” Wes did not argue and followed her outside.
On the side walk Jo turned to him and extended one of the bags towards him. “Wes I appreciate the fact that you wanted to have dinner with me, but you’re exhausted. Take your dinner, go home, and get some sleep.”
Wes was tired but he also wanted to spend any free time he could with Jo. He had obviously done a piss poor job of conveying that to her.
“Jo you’re right I’m tired, but I want to spend time with you. My schedule, well it’s complicated, and I have commitments that I can’t walk away from. How about if we go back to your place and eat? I don’t want to spend my free time sleeping.”
Jo nodded. “Are you sure?”
“Very.” He said as he took both bags from her and placed them in the trunk of his car.
He drove the short half-mile to Jo’s house and on their way inside they met Nick coming out.
“Hi.” He said to Jo, giving Wes a not so nice once over. “I was going to see what you were doing.”
“Oh thanks Nick. Wes and I are going to relax a little. Do you have a date?”
Nick nodded. “Yes. How about if I catch up with you tomorrow?”
"Sure thing. See you tomorrow." Jo said. She didn't want to play games with Wes but he needed to know she wasn't sitting home and waiting for him to make time for her.
Inside Jo’s home she retrieved plates, silverware, napkins and beer and set everything up at the kitchen table. Wes took the dinners from the bag and emptied the contents onto the plates. They ate in compatible silence sharing bites with each other. When they finished they both cleaned the table and then Jo waved Wes to the couch and queued up her Die Hard DVD.
She sat back on the couch and snuggled into Wes’ side. He had lifted his one arm inviting her in and when she pressed the remote start button she heard Wes chuckle when he saw what movie they were going to watch.
“Truly one of my favorites.” He said.