“Oh man, please don’t run for the hills Jo. It’s not as creepy as it seems.” Jo had pulled back from touching him and Wes felt her chill.
“Why were you driving past my house Wes?” She asked him again her tone was harsh.
“I was worried about you okay? I had just met you. I didn’t like how Officer Laramie was following you. I knew he would pull you over again if he had a chance. When I learned who you were I did a quick drive by just because I needed to. I was actually worried he had thrown you in jail. I should have told you earlier.”
“But you saw my car spattered with paint; that was later.”
“Yeah, I drove past another time.” Wes said guiltily.
Jo let what he said sink in. The she looked up at him and placed her hand on his forearm. “Why Wes? Why would you do that?”
Wes covered her hand with his. “Jo after I met you I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I barely knew you yet you were constantly on my mind. My protect the innocent training just kicked in.”
“Oh so you were just being a Boy Scout?” Jo said. “I was just a good deed?”
“Jo, I like you. I have from the second you tried to stop me from stealing your car. Good deed aside I had to make sure you were okay. I can’t explain why. I don’t know myself.” Wes looked exasperated. He ran one of his hands through his hair.
Jo sat back took another sip of her beer and turned back to Wes. She recognized that it was obviously ingrained in him to help people and take care of them, but she also liked that he had admitted that it was because he liked her. She realized if they were to continue to date that she’d have to get use to a few things about her alpha male. Jo also knew she’d missed him way too much this week to spend what little time they had together arguing.
“Okay Wes it’s sweet in a caveman, stalker kind of way, but from now on we need to be honest with each other. Deal?”
“Deal.” Wes gave her another kiss and this time when she kissed him back Wes let out the pensive breath he’d been holding.
“So now that you know that I know everything, can we talk about your safety?” Wes said shifting into security mode.
“Please don’t make me feel like a client of yours Wes. I am sure you have a no fraternizing policy and that would stink.” Jo said playfully.
“Actually, we do not have that policy in place.” Wes said, “So I can continue to date you and care about your safety.”
Jo couldn’t help herself; he just made her feel so special. She gave him a huge smile and leaned into his side.
“Well in that case let me just state that I can take care of myself. I have always been careful. I lock my doors; I don’t talk to strangers; unless they are stealing my car that is.” Wes smiled at her humor. “So I’m good, but thanks.”
There was no way Wes was going to tell her about seeing the dark sedan when he had been sitting outside of her place now. He felt like he had just dodged the proverbial bullet by admitting everything he had. No, Wes thought, I need to just enjoy being with her right now. With the way his schedule kept changing he had no idea when he would be able to see her again.
Wes gave Jo a kiss on her forehead. “Okay Jo, just remember, I am a phone call away.”
“Thanks Wes.”
Wes’ cell vibrated and when he looked at the number he groaned. “Sorry I have to take this.” Wes left the table and walked into the hallway.
Jo sat at the table, relaxed, sipping her beer when Jill appeared.
“Here’s your pay for the night along with the tips.” Jill tossed the envelope down on the table.
“We won’t be needing you anymore.” Jill turned and walked away.
Crap thought Jo. The money had been perfect for her weekly expenses of food and gas. She sighed and decided she’d look for another bar that might need a singer. Jo was determined to not let Jill wreck her good mood tonight. She wasn't going to tell Wes either because she knew he'd be mad at Jill and Jo hated drama. Wes returned to the table and Jo kn
ew by just looking at him that he had bad news.
“I’m sorry Jo I have to go. It’s a work thing.”
“That’s okay I appreciate you coming tonight.” Jo stood and faced him.
“I saw your car out back. I’ll walk you out if you’re ready to go?”
“I am thanks.”