Page 25 of One Tough Love

When Ty left Jo grabbed her beer taking a huge sip from it.

“Why do I lose it around you?” Jo mumbled.

“Maybe for the same reason I lose it around you.” Wes said pushing a piece of her hair back behind her ear.

Jo smiled up at him. That was the perfect answer she thought.

“I’m not usually into PDA.” She said sheepishly.

“Yeah.” Wes chuckled. “Believe it or not, I’m not either.”

“I guess we need to have better restraint, huh?” Jo giggled.

“Or not go for so long with out seeing each other.” Wes replied.

“Oh I vote that solution.” Jo exclaimed softly.

Wes pulled her to him again and planted another kiss on her lips, but this time he pulled back before it became too heated.

“So my Jo, what have you been doing since you are not going in to work?”

“Well I have sort of started another investigation piece and I’ve been working on that. If the story pans out, I can sell it to a paper or news channel as a freelance writer.”

“Care to share what you are investigating?”

“Uh, not right now. I’m not trying to be cagey. I just don’t want to jinx it.”

“Are you staying safe?”

Wes was serious and Jo squirmed a little. She had not told him about any of her mishaps. Maybe she should though she thought, just so someone besides her knew. Plus she had the feeling that if he found out about those he might really lose it.

“Well actually. I’m starting to think that a few accidents that I’ve experienced may not be accidents at all.”

Finally, Wes thought to himself. He had wanted Jo to trust him and if she confided to him about the brick and paint he’d feel better knowing she knew she could talk to him.

“Tell me Jo. I promise I won’t over react.”

“Oh, you are getting to know me aren’t you?” She said nervously because that had been exactly what she’d been worried about.

“I like getting to know you Jo. So spill, what’s been going on?”

“Well a few months back I had a brick thrown through my living room window. Then my purse got taken and my phone was in it. My phone had some documents on it pertaining to the story I’m working on, so I’m not sure if that was an actual purse snatching; and then…” Jo hesitated. She knew he wouldn’t be happy with the next one. “Someone threw an open can of paint on my car.”

Wes sat quietly. He was figuring out how much he should reveal to her. He didn’t want her to think he stalked her and he wanted to be supportive without being too cavalier.

“Say something Wes!”

“Okay, I don’t want secrets between us Jo. I knew about the brick. I read about it on line. I was there for the purse snatching and… don’t wig out on me okay.”

“Oh God!” What?” Jo said almost frantically.

“I knew about your car because I drove past your house one night and saw your car covered in paint.”

Jo sat quietly. Her mind was filtering what he just revealed.

“Okay now you say something.” Wes implored.

“Why were you driving past my house then?” She asked quietly. Knowing they hadn’t been reunited at the bar until after that incident.