Page 24 of One Tough Love

She had been researching terminology used in the business and she had been schooling herself regarding different grades of materials used for specific types of projects. She had discovered many interesting facts. In fact her notes were beginning to take shape and the only thing she was really missing was the lost list of investors.

Jo had tried to log back on to LexisNexis, the corporate provided, computer assisted legal research site, but the paper had canceled her subscription and it was too expensive for her to pick up on her own.

Jo realized that who ever had stolen her hard copy notes had to have access to her cubicle at the paper, but that could be hundreds of people. She hated that Henry topped her list of suspects.

She thought back to when she had told Henry about the new article she was working on. She closed her eyes and tried to picture who else had been in the room with her and Henry, but she just couldn’t remember.

It was Friday and Jo was keeping her fingers crossed hoping Wes would stop by the bar tonight. He had been texting her, but it was not as frequent as before and Jo hoped she hadn’t blown it by not telling him about losing her job. The honest truth was she hated drama and she really had been enjoying Wes' company. She hadn’t meant to keep anything from him. She also recognized that Wes valued honesty and since she did too it only endeared him to her more.

Jo continued to work on her research and had even gone to the town’s hall of records to request the investor list, which she had to pay a fee for. The clerk said they would mail it to her in the next two weeks.

Jo laid out her clothes for the bar that night then went for a run. She didn’t run her usual route; if she saw Wes he would probably think she was stalking him. Wes hadn’t called her last night and it weighed on her heavily. When Jo entered the bar at 9:30pm, Ty greeted her warmly and opened a beer for her. Jill came out to meet her and Jo noticed she was a little cooler than last time.

Glumly Jo thought Jill might have nothing to fear because Wes was probably backing off their fledgling what-ever-they-had relationship anyway.

When the ball games ended Jo started her set and was soon lost in her music. She sang a different set of songs than last time and she told the bar patrons she’d take requests which they loved.

Jo had been looking for Wes when she first started playing, but the last hour she was performing she’d been kept pretty busy with requests. The patrons would write down the song that they wanted her sing, and place the request on the small table next to her. Jo had just finished a Carly Simon Song when a large hand placed a cocktail napkin on her table. When Jo looked up she saw Wes’ green eyes smiling down at her. Her heart fluttered and she tried to maintain her composure. He was so handsome, dressed in a business suit, looking completely irresistible.

Jo picked up his request and a small smile played over her face. She looked back at Wes who sent her a sexy as sin smile before sitting down at a nearby table. The song, luckily, was one she knew; ‘Here Without You’, by 3 Doors Down. The song was a love song and it is about missing someone. Jo started singing the beautiful song and felt all the emotions the lyrics were conveying. She couldn’t help but sing directly to Wes. The patrons at the bar were awestruck and when she finished

the song she had tears sliding down her face. The crowd gave her a standing ovation and Wes reached her in two long strides. The guitar remained a buffer between them as he possessively claimed her lips. The bar exploded into cheering.

It was one of the most romantic moments Jo had ever experienced. Her heart was beating wildly and she became weak kneed, luckily Wes’ strong hands were supporting her.

Jill made herself known. “She still has another fifteen minutes of play time.” She was standing right behind Wes with her hands on her hips and she did not look happy. Her words had the same effect as dousing them with cold water would have.

Jo looked around ridiculously embarrassed and immediately apologized. Wes shot Jill a look then placed a quick kiss on Jo’s forehead, before sitting back down. Jo finished her set and the crowd once again gave her a standing ovation. As the bar slowly resumed its normal activity Wes returned to Jo. He helped her pack her guitar in her case and then he led her to a nearby booth.

Jo slid into the bench seat and instead of Wes sitting opposite her he sat right next to her. He kept his arm draped around her shoulder craving the contact.

“I really have been missing you Jo.” Wes said leaning down whispering into her ear.

Jo looked up at Wes with tears in her eyes. She was emotional and she couldn’t help it. The song he chose, the kiss, this man was becoming special to her and it frightened her.

“Baby what’s the matter?”

Jo wiped an errant tear and decided to come clean. If it scared him off then she’d just have to recover.

“I was afraid you were done with me.”

“What?” Wes looked concerned. “Why?”

“It’s just you haven’t been texting as much and last night you didn’t call. I don’t mean to sound so needy. I’m sorry. I just thought you were trying to distance your…”

Wes grabbed Jo gently and pulled her against him, devouring her in a frantic, passion filled kiss. Jo clung to his large biceps and then she completely forgot where she was and threaded her fingers through his thick dark hair.

A cough sounded near the table breaking them apart. They were both breathless and Wes’ eyes were hooded and stormy. They looked over to the person who had coughed and Ty stood there with two beers in his hands looking uncomfortable.

“Umm, sorry Jill sent these over.”

Wes looked over at Jill who was seated at the bar. He watched her turn away from them with a smirk turning her lips upwards. He knew she had purposely sent Ty over. Wes felt bad for the kid and Jo still couldn’t look at him she was so uncomfortable.

“Tell her thank you Ty.” Wes said stoically and handed Ty a ten-dollar bill.

“Thanks man and for what it’s worth. I didn’t want to interrupt.”

“I know Ty, thanks. Don’t worry about it.”