Page 23 of One Tough Love

“Why didn’t you tell me Jo?”

“Oh Wes I just never wanted to bring it up. It’s not a happy memory and I never wanted to wreck our conversations.”

“What happened?” Wes had walked outside and found a bench in the park across the street.

Jo sighed. “Well it’s simple really. They needed to let someone go and I was last hired so first fired.”

“Is that why you are singing?”

“Yes, I’m not in any dire straights financially, please don’t think that. I just want to bring in some extra money.”

“I wish you had told me Jo. I feel like you just kept a huge piece of your life from me, and I thought we were getting to be close, you know.”

“We are Wes, we are getting closer. I love talking to you. But you have been sounding so tired and I would never want to burden you."

Wes grunted. "I would never have thought that Jo."

Jo did not like how under the microscope she felt. She had done nothing wrong. "I have no idea what you are working on, but I sense it’s pretty big." She said hoping to reason with him. Wes remained quiet and Jo sighed, frustrated that he could have secrets but she couldn't.

"Wes, remember the day that we first met?”

“Yes.” Wes said.

“That was my last day at work. That’s why I cried. It really had been a bad day.”

“I can see that now. Can I help in any way?”

“No, see this is what I wanted to avoid. You need to concentrate on your work stuff, not mine.”

Wes was quiet on the other end of the phone and Jo became anxious.

“Wes, please don’t be upset. Let’s move forward.”

He took a second to answer. “I’m not upset with you, I’m just a little thrown. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

“I’m sorry Wes. Honestly it was not an intentional omission. Our date last Saturday, and talking and texting with you, has been the best part of my week.”

“I feel the same way. I think I need to see you though.” He said quietly.

“I would love to see you.” She said so enthusiastically that Wes had to smile.

“Okay my Jo I’ll try to stop at the bar tomorrow after my shift okay?”

“That would be nice, but Wes, if you’re too tired, I get it.”

“Jo stop. I need to see you baby.”

She was a sucker when men called her ‘baby,’ but she hated that he sounded so weary and it worried her.

“Okay and Wes?” She paused for effect. “I can’t wait to see you too.”

They ended their call and although Wes felt sad that Jo hadn’t confided in him. He did not think it was anything shifty on her part. He trusted her. In fact he realized that he was giving her a hard time about keeping a secret from him when he was being just as elusive about his own job.

He hadn’t mentioned whom he’d been safe guarding for two reasons. One, it was unprofessional, and he and his team had signed a non-disclosure agreement. Two he did not want Jo to worry that he was spending so much time with the beautiful celebrity. Ginger had a reputation for getting her hooks into men and Wes didn’t want Jo to even thinking that he would look at his client in that way. Unfortunately, Wes had begun to receive some pretty direct signals from Ginger lately. The type of signals that alerted him that she would be more than willing to hook up with him. Wes was not even remotely interested in the shallow thoughtless woman.

When Jo hung up with Wes she had mixed emotions. She felt guilty for not telling Wes about not having a job anymore, but she was elated that Wes wanted to see her. He also had called her ‘baby’ and Jo thought that was hot!

She did realize that he had not opened up to her as to why he was so tired. Jo had been spending a lot of time working on her new case. She had staked out the construction site looking for the man that had slipped her the note, but she hadn’t seen him as of yet.