“Don’t say it.” He groaned.
“I was going to say, you will never know.” She teased.
Wes pulled her into his arms and gave her a scorching hot good night kiss that left Jo breathless.
“Thank you for going to dinner with me.” He said after pulling back but still holding her body tightly against him.
“Thank you for taking me. I really had a good time, Wes.” Her neck was tilted back so she could look up into his eyes.
Jo unlocked her front door and reached inside to turn on the outside light and one in her living room. Wes had one hand on the doorframe, and one on her hip. He had no desire to break contact with her until the last possible second.
“One more kiss Jo?”
Jo nodded and then put her hand against his chest to stop him from getting closer. Wes cocked his head confused. Jo pressed against his chest, guiding him backwards until he had to take the one step down onto her walkway. Jo then stepped to the edge of the porch. With Wes now standing on her walkway and her six inches taller, she was only a few inches from his lips. Wes gave her a huge smile and pulled her to him. Jo wrapped her arms around his neck and sank both her hands into his thick hair. They both groaned with the intimate contact. The kiss was sensual, unhurried, and intense.
Wes finally broke the kiss, even though it was the last thing he wanted to do. “Jo.” He said huskily placing his forehead on hers.
“I know. You have to go.” She said for him. Wes nodded. “Thanks again Wes. I had fun.”
“Me too, Jo.”
Jo stood in her doorway and watched Wes walk back to his car. Before he got in he turned back to her.
“Go inside Jo, lock up.”
Jo nodded, waved and went inside locking the door behind her. She looked out the front window as Wes drove away. She smiled thinking about the fun time they had had. Jo thought she could seriously fall for the guy. Then she chastised herself, thinking it had been one date; one awesome date, but still she needed to get a grip. Jo didn’t fall for men too often, but when she did, she fell hard and fast.
Wes drove away willing his body to calm. That girl had him feeling like a teenager, all he wanted to do was kiss her. He drove up to his garage and pressed the button to open the door. After he shut down his cars engine he pulled out his phone to text her.
Sweet dreams my Jo
Chapter 12
A Tough Two Weeks
Wes would text Jo as often as he could during the week following their first date. He tried to call her once a day, usually in the early evening when Ginger was napping. Much to his team's chagrin, Ginger often napped from 7:00pm to 11:00pm, so she was fully rested before hitting a club until the wee hours of the morning. Wes was exhausted, and so was his team. He’d lost one of his men on her security detail because of a death in the poor guy's family, and Wes had picked up his shifts while still doing his own.
When he wasn’t on site watching over the wild star, he was busy adjusting his team's schedule to match Ginger's, ever changing hectic agenda, which had become even more challenging since Leena had added two more television interviews and a guest DJ’ing appearance. Wes had to survey all three sites and come up with detailed maps and procedural plan for each place she would be appearing.
Talking to Jo was the best part of his day. She never pumped him for information about what he was doing, but she knew he was tired. She told him that she had accepted another singing engagement at the bar and he told her he would try to stop by to see her.
On Thursday Wes found himself with an hour of free time so he decided he would get some ice cream and surprise Jo at the newspaper. Bag in hand, he walked up to the front desk hoping she wasn’t off chasing a story and asked to see
BJ Ross.
The security guard and the front desk receptionist gave him a funny look and then the receptionist informed him that Ms. Ross did not work at the paper anymore. Wes was floored. She had never once mentioned it. They had texted and talked for hours, had been on a date and not one time had Jo even hinted at the fact that she had left the paper.
Wes turned from the desk walked to a garbage can dumped the ice cream and called Jo.
“Hi” She greeted him happily.
“Hi.” He answered her trying to keep the disappointment out of his voice. “Guess where I am.” He said.
“Ummm getting ice cream?” She joked.
“Actually I just did that, but no, I’m at the paper, the one you used to work at.” Wes couldn’t keep the sarcasm out of his voice. He was really upset that she had not told him.
“Ohhhh.” Now she knew why his tone was so snarky.