Page 21 of One Tough Love

“Seriously? If it were a man I’d marry it!” She said enthusiastically. Wes chuckled.

“Well prepare yourself, I happen to know a place that makes it home made daily.”

“Oh yum! Get driving mister.”

Wes laughed and they took off. The drive took twenty minutes as they wound their way around the enormous lake. Wes pulled off the main road and followed a smaller road until he came to a cross street. On one of the corner lots sat a food truck. A big sign by the road read Home Made Ice Cream. Wes helped Jo out of the car and they walked hand in hand to the truck.

“Hey Wesley.” An old grizzled man said from the truck’s large open window greeted him. “Betsy come see what the wind blew in.”

An elderly woman appeared in the window. “Well, well, Wesley, it’s about time you showed up. Don’t ch-ya like ice cream any more?’ She laughed

Wes held up his hands surrendering. “You know I love ice cream Betsy. I’ve been a little busy.”

“Who’s your friend?’ The man asked.

“Betsy and Tom I’d like to introduce my friend Jo Ross. Jo meet Betsy and Tom Scoops.” Jo looked at him and he laughed. “I kid you not.”

“Please to meet you.” Jo said.

“So Betsy what’s the scoop of the day?”

“Peach.” She announced proudly.

“Do you like peach Jo?”

“If it’s ice cream I like it!” She said happily.

They each got a cone and then after paying, sat on the rustic picnic bench nearby.

Betsy and Tom came down from the truck and sat with them. They chatted about business. Tom told Wes he wanted to retire, but his Betsy liked keeping busy. A car pulled in and they excused themselves to serve them.

“How did you find this place?” Jo asked.

“One day, after I had just come back from over seas I was just driving around. I pulled in and after I tasted the ice cream I came back every day for two weeks. It kind of helped pull me back to being myself. It’s hard to explain.”

“I can’t imagine all you’ve seen Wes.”

“Not all good stuff, but I’m all right, a nightmare here and there. It helped that Andy and Jace came home right around the same time.”

“Are you all from around here?”

“I am. I grew up on the other side of this lake. Jace is from Texas and Andy from Colorado. When I had the idea for the business they moved out here to start it up with me. We lived together in a small apartment until we started to make some money. You should have seen that place.”

Wes smiled thinking back on the little walk up they had crowded into. Jo reached up to affectionately feather her hand through Wes’ hair. Wes smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her peach ice cream sweetened lips.

“Ewwww.’ A little voice said forcing them apart.

They looked over to see a little boy with chocolate ice cream rimming his mouth, staring at them.

“Hey don’t knock it till you try it my man.” Wes told him with a chuckle.

Jo giggled and Wes kissed her again before helping her to stand. It was a beautiful night and Wes folded the roof of the car back. Jo reached in her purse and found an elastic band so she could tie her hair back. They took their time driving back to Jo’s.

Wes hated for the night to end but he had early shift tomorrow and Ginger was driving his team batty. When he pulled up to Jo’s place he parked in her spot and walked her to her door. He quickly scrutinized the area but he didn’t see Nick’s car or the other dark sedan.

“Please don’t ask me in Jo. I’m a weak man when it comes to you and I have to be at work ridiculously early tomorrow.” Jo giggled.

“Okay, but just so you know…”