The doctor tried to shoo every one from the room but Wes refused to leave Jo alone so while everyone else left, Wes remained, standing back, watching the doctor and nurse do their jobs. Jo kept her eyes on Wes. She knew his adrenaline was still pumping and that he was upset hoping that whatever was in the needle had not made it into her system.
After twenty minutes of drawing blood, checking her heart rate, blood pressure, eye focus and reflexes the doctor wrote on her clipboard and motioned Wes towards the bed so he could hear what he was going to say to Jo.
“I don’t think whatever was in the syringe got into you, but we are going to run a tox screen just to make sure. Other than that you look remarkably well. How are you feeling?”
“Hungry.” She said. Wes smiled a small lump formed in his throat remembering one other time she had said she was hungry. Jo must have been thinking the same thing because she gave Wes a sexy wink.
“Well I’ll change your dietary requirement and I don’t think you need anymore fluids. You were dehydrated when you came in but I believe you can start eating and drinking like normal. Just nothing crazy at first, keep it bland.”
Jo wrinkled her nose and Wes chuckled. A man and a woman ran into the room. “Mom. Dad.” Jo said as tears built in her eyes. Wes stepped back and let her parents group hug her. Lou walked in and joined in on the hug. Pete just gave Wes a funny grin.
Andy came back in the room and watched the warm family bonding moment. Jo’s parents pulled chairs up so they were now on either side of her bed and Lou sat down on the bed by Jo's feet. Her parents were talking a mile a minute and her mother had finally stopped crying. Wes was half listening until he heard what her mother was saying.
“We will bring you home and you can recuperate with us.”
“Then we’ll help you settle in Chicago.”
“Mom, Dad. Mom… stop. Listen to me.” Jo managed to gain their attention. She sighed and Wes felt bad that she was going to have to confess to them that she had lied.
“I’m not moving to Chicago.”
Auggie chose that moment to walk into the room. He had heard what Jo had said and he grimaced.
“Oh-oh.” He muttered moving to the back of the room.
Her parents were understandably confused. “What?”
“I turned the job down.” Jo looked over to Wes who remained quiet.
“Jo you can call them…” Her dad said before Jo interrupted him.
“No I’m going to stay in Summit.” She looked back to Wes who gave her an encouraging smile.
“Well we will bring you home and then discuss this Honey. You’ll need someone to take care of you.”
“No Mom I’ll be staying in Summit to recuperate too.”
“Now Jo…” Her mother was getting upset. Wes stepped to the bedside.
“Mr. and Mrs. Ross my name's Wes Tobin. Jo will be staying in Summit with me. I love her and I’ll be taking care of her while she recuperates.”
Mr. Ross stood up. He wasn’t even close to Wes' height or girth but Wes gave him kudos for standing up to him.
“And afterwards?”
“After she’s recuperated?” Wes asked.
“Yes, after?”
“After she’s fully recuperated, I’m going to marry her, provided she says yes of course, and then I’m going to take care of her for the rest of our lives.”
Andy chuckled. When Wes jumped, he did it with two feet. He wished Jace was there; he would love this romantic stuff.
“That’s so sweet.” Lou said gushing. Jo’s parents were silent. Jo was opened mouth staring at Wes and then a huge smile spread across her face.