“You want to leave?” She asked so dejectedly that Wes was actually taken back.
“You don’t want me to leave?”
“Wes, no I don’t want you to leave. I…”
“Jo!” an excited Lou cried out hearing that her sister was awake and talking.
Jo looked beyond Wes and saw Lou jumping out of her chair. She gave Wes’ hand a squeeze and mouthed ‘stay’ to him right before she was covered by her twin sister in a wonderful consuming but gentle hug.
Wes got off the bed but remained close by. He couldn’t believe she still wanted him to stay with her. Pete and Andy had woken upon hearing Lou’s animated happy cry and Pete went to Jo’s bedside, but Andy went to stand by Wes.
“I think she wants me to stay.” Wes said, not
believing what he had heard.
“Of course she does man.” Andy said happily clasping him on his back.
“Maybe she just wants me to stay so I can tell her what happened?” Wes said nervously.
Andy sighed and shook his head. It amazed him that for all the smarts Wes had that when it came to Jo he was a dumb ass.
Andy sidled up to Jo’s bedside and bent down to whisper something in her ear. Wes had no idea what he was saying and he didn’t like the frown that suddenly appeared on Jo’s face.
“Lou, Pete can you give me a second with Wes please, alone?”
Wes looked to Andy but he’d already left the room followed by Lou and Pete to stand quietly outside the door.
“Wes come here, please.” Jo’s voice was so tender and her eyes were sparkling.
Wes walked to the bed and Jo patted the side so he could sit down.
“I’m going to tell you something and then the ball's in your court, so to speak.” Wes nodded nervously. “I love you Wes Tobin. I love you so much that when I’m not with you I physically ache.”
Wes couldn’t believe what she was saying and he knew his mouth had opened in surprise.
“The whole time I was being held….” She couldn’t bring herself to say the word and she teared up. Wes reached for her hand to comfort her. “Well what I remember of it anyway, all I thought about was how you were going to be so mad at me. Then I thought about not seeing you again. Do you know that thought alone hurt me more than all the… shit they did to me. I. Love. You.”
Wes was floored and his heart filled with so much love for her that he thought his chest might pop open.
“You love me?”
Jo nodded.
Wes bent down and kissed her lips softly. “Jo I love you so much. It nearly did me in when I thought you were leaving me for Chicago. When I got the call in Italy that you were missing I damn near lost it.”
Jo recognized he was emotional.
“We have a lot to talk about don’t we?" She said quietly. Wes saw that her eyes were starting to close.
“I love you Jo. You have no idea how much.”
“Don’t leave okay? Please don’t leave.”
“I won’t baby. I promise.”
Jo drifted off to sleep and Wes stood up. He turned to the others who were politely giving them space from on the other side of the hospital room. His smile told Andy everything he needed to know and he pulled Wes in for a bro hug.
“She loves me Andy.” He whispered.