Page 102 of One Tough Love

He nodded. “Not until she’s ready.” Wes surveyed the room.

“Andy get a private ambulance ready. I want to take her home as soon as possible.

Andy nodded. “Will do.”

“A nurse too.”

“Got it.”

“I’m going with Jo to her room. I’ll text you where her room is as soon as I know.”

The men went back to inform the police and FBI what Wes had told them which nothing was except she was being moved. Jace secured a police officer to be positioned outside of her door. Mann had been picked up but Nick had fled the country. There were others involved and until all the principle players were exposed and rounded up Jo was still in danger.

Wes followed Jo’s mobile bed to the third floor and was asked to wait in a family waiting room. He paced the small room for what seemed liked forever before a young pretty nurse asked him to follow her.

“I’m Janet; I’ll be Ms. Ross’ nurse today.”

Janet led Wes to a room that was down the hall from the nurses' station. The first thing that Wes noticed was that the awful smell was not as strong.

“You bathed her?”

“Yes, she never woke up. We gave her a good cleaning, everything but her hair.”

“Thank you.”

Wes settled into a chair that he pulled right up to Jo’s railed bedside. He took her hand in his and caressed her arm lovingly. He then remembered he needed to tell Jace and Andy where he was so he sent them a quick text.

A few minutes later both men appeared in Jo’s room.

“Wow she looks so much better.” Jace said.

“She’s going to be out for a while.” Wes informed them.

“Wes you need to let her family know.”

“I know. Will you stay with her while I call Auggie?”

“Of course.” Andy smiled at her friend.

Wes left the room and passed the officer he knew would soon be sitting outside of Jo’s room. He went into the waiting room that he’d just left and called Auggie. He could have stayed in the room but he did not want to disturb Jo. Now that she was being cared for he knew that sleep would help Jo to heal.


“We have her Auggie.”

“Oh my God, yes.” Wes heard Auggie mumble to who ever he was with that Jo had been found.

“Where? Is she okay?”

“I don’t want to go into it on the phone. She was pretty bad and we probably got to her just in time, but you don’t need to alarm her family with that. The most important thing is that physically she’s going to be okay. She’s in Riverside in Toms River.”

Wes heard Auggie tell who ever was in the room with him the details and then he knew they were already heading to their car as Auggie’s voice became thready.

“Auggie tell Lou to bring some things for Jo. Toiletries, pajamas, slippers that stuff okay.”

“Will do see you soon.”

Wes walked back to Jo's room and introduced himself to the officer stationed outside of her room. He made sure the young man understood that no one went into Jo’s room unless he, Andy, or Jace said so. Wes stepped into the sterile room taking in Jo's battered body. She was hooked up to the blue monitor tracking her heart rate and Wes thought back to when he had been hooked up to one. He smiled thinking of Jo and how she had taken such good care of him.