Page 100 of One Tough Love

He yelled. “Call an ambulance!”

Wes’ head shot up and Jace helped him to his feet. Jace was already calling an ambulance. Wes reached Jo and it was then that he saw how badly beaten she was. Once again he went to his knees.

“Jo baby. Can you hear me? Baby please hang on. Help's on the way.”

Andy had untied her ankles and when he untied her wrists a small moan came out from Jo’s mouth as she moved her one arm.

Andy took off his button down shirt and placed it on top of Jo knowing the EMT workers would be arriving soon. Jace had gone upstairs to direct them to her. Andy called his FBI friend and told them what they’d found.

“No, we heard her scream that's why we went inside.” Wes heard Andy tell the Agent on the phone.

A clattering sound came from the stairs and three EMT persons rambled down. Wes could see that they were small town volunteers. When they reached Jo one of them turned to the side and vomited the smell was so horrific.

“Call for a chopper.” Wes said to the woman who seemed to be in charge.

“We’re here we can…”

“Call for a fucking chopper. “ His voice was shaking.

“Wes by the time it's airborne and they land she could be at the hospital, be reasonable.”

The woman nodded a thank you to Andy.

“The gurney won’t fit down the steps. Let me check her spine…”

Wes was through waiting, he picked Jo up being careful to tuck her dislocated arm down by her side.” She moaned and Wes sprinted with her in his arms up the steps.

The EMT’s strapped her on the gurney and Wes listened as they gave her vitals to a doctor who was waiting for them at the hospital. Wes wanted to ride in the ambulance but they wouldn’t allow it. Andy drove the Porsche and they followed the ambulance to the local hospital.

The entire ride to the hospital Wes prayed thanking God for letting them find her and then asking for her to live. He couldn't believe how badly she had been hurt.

Andy left Wes off at the door as the medics wheeled Jo through the sliding door.

They had her hooked to an IV bag and they took her immediately into the back rooms. A burly guard prevented him from following and Wes came close to laying him out but luckily Andy showed up and pulled him back.

“Let them work man.” He told Wes in as calm a voice as he could muster. Truth was; Andy was rattled. He had really thought Jo was dead. He was actually shocked she wasn’t. There had been so much blood and her poor little body had endured a lot of pain. He had seen that she’d been tasered and he knew she’d been tortured. He couldn’t believe what she must have suffered. He didn’t tell that to Wes though, he was already hanging by a thread.

Jace came in to the room. “Anything?”

“She’s in the back.” Andy told him.

“They won’t let me back there.” Wes said quietly.

Jace put his hand on Wes shoulder. “She’s a strong girl Wes. She’s made it this far.”

Wes could only nod. Tears had blurred his vision.

A half hour later Jace was talking to the local police department and Andy was doing the same with the FBI. A nurse entered the waiting room and walked up to Wes. “Are you family?”

Wes thought she was about to deliver bad news and she could only divulge it to family members.

“Yes, I'm her husband.” He lied smoothly.

She gave him a skeptical look.

“Well I will be as soon as she walks out of here.” He added forcing the nurse to smile.

“Come on then she’s waking up.”