And I did do it religiously for three days, each time checking if the job was suitable, if he thought he’d stand a chance. I even offered to write him a reference myself, but he seemed sunk into gloom.

I would have carried on, but something happened, something so marvelous that it drove Jacob’s troubles out of my head, even brought a reproof down on my head from the editor for daydreaming, or as he put it, “looking like a wet wank,” whatever that is.

You’ve probably guessed it already.

Yes. Lex asked me to move in with him.

Should I? Shouldn’t I? My cock said, “Go for it, Gloria.” My brain said, “Hang on for a bit. After all, how long have you known him? What if the sex is all there is, and we know how quickly that can wane and wither.” But I liked him as a person. We got on so well—apart from the fact that he was hiding something from me. But hadn’t I hidden things from him? Well, one thing actually—my deep-rooted friendship with Jacob. Lex wouldn’t mind that, I was sure, and perhaps when we were together, he’d tell me. No secrets, eh?

Eventually I made a decision, which wasn’t really a decision, I was going to introduce him to Jacob. And what would that prove? If he hated Jacob, I’d say no? If Jacob hated him, I’d say no?

And this was exactly what I did.

Slightly apprehensively, and of course with Lex’s permission, I invited Jacob round to what could be our flat.

Jacob was cautious, and I remembered his reaction to John Hornby. I gave him a big hug, hoping to put him at his ease. But he was still wary.

Lex on the other hand was caring and considerate. “I understand you’ve had problems recently getting a job. I hear”—and he nods in my direction—“that you’re reliable and trustworthy, can work a computer, and are a Gas fan. That’s quite enough for me. I can offer you a job in my business. Don’t decide now. Make up your mind when you want and remember there’s no one else in the frame.”

“Kevin may have spoken up for me, but what would I have to do?”

“He tells me you’ve already been a branch manager. That’s quite enough for me.”

Jacob was completely gobsmacked. His look went from wariness through confusion to smiling acceptance. “You’d do that for me, Mr Warrington?”

“Call me Lex, please, out of the office.”

So there was an office. I would grill Jacob when he got the full details, but at the moment, Lex was a prince. He’d passed the test. If there ever was a doubt, it was dispelled at that moment.

Of course I would move in. “Come live with me and be my love, and we shall all the pleasures prove.” Yes. Yes. Yes.

Chapter 5—Ménage à Deux

I HADN’T worked long enough on the paper to qualify for my annual holiday, so we had to postpone our honeymoon, but that didn’t matter because I was so happy. Lex was happy too. He proved it in so many ways, like giving me expensive gifts, taking me out to places I wouldn’t have been able to afford, until I had to call a halt.

“You’re making me feel like a little hausfrau whose only purpose is to sit at home and be worshipped.”

“But I like giving you things.”

“No,” I said. “In the end this is going to spoil the relationship. We’re both men with jobs to do and things to aim at individually, though I think you’ve probably reached yours already, what with all this.” And I waved my hand at the expensive things around us, which included a painting by a modern artist who was even now meeting with worldwide acclaim.

“Just lucky, I guess. I bought that when he was a nobody and no one saw his potential.”

“Nobody, schmobody, you never do things on spec.”

“Even marrying you?”

“Yes, that was a bit reckless, I agree. Do you remember what you said to me—admittedly it was in the heat of passion?”

“Of course I do. ‘If you ever leave me, I’ll follow you to the ends of the world,’ and I meant it.”

“You’re such a marvelous lover.”

“I am, aren’t I?” he said complacently.

Off the marital couch, bed, dinner table, in fact anywhere the fancy took us, life went on as usual. I got occasional good assignments, not as many as I’d have liked but enough to know that the editors appreciated me. I was of course no longer on appro and my salary was commensurately raised, not quite to the level when I had to start paying the student loans back, but pretty near.

Lex, of course, had offered to pay off the loan himself, but I wouldn’t let him. I still hadn’t really found out what his job was.