Page 6 of Velvet Lullabies

Shamefully she crawled from the bed carefully extracting herself from Lucian’s grasp. She slid into her skirt, found her shirt out in the penthouse's living room and shoved that on too. She grabbed her purse and made for a quick exit.

Adelina was barely out of the place when her phone went off.


"Good morning dear brother." She semi-whispered as she pressed the button for the elevator.

"Where the hell are you?"

"In my dorm, just woke up." She lied easily.

"Adelina," his tone scolded. "Do not lie to me."

"I'm not." Her voice cooed, sugary sweet.

"Roberto is at your dorm."

Busted by the big jackass.

"I'm almost back." She sighed.

"As soon as your back Roberto will drive you home. Hope whatever, or whoever, you did was worth it because it's not happening again." He hung up the phone with annoyance.

Roberto was leaning against the black Escalade when Adelina’s Uber arrived in-front of her dorm.

For a second she thought about having the driver keep going but she knew better.

Roberto wouldn't even let her shower or grab fresh clothes before he tossed her in the backseat of his car for the trek back to the suburbs.

Vinny’s eyes filled with anger when she walked into their family home barefoot in a short skirt and tank with high heels dangling from her finger tips.

He didn't miss the opportunity to lecture her before releasing her to go shower. It was 10 am and she had a lunch date after all.

Vinny left her with one sentiment before they piled into the Escalade: "Don't fuck this up for me."

She made no promises.



A tall, buff, and extremely attractive man was already sitting at their normal table when Adelina and Vinny arrived at the restaurant. Mangia, was one of the best Italian restaurants in Providence and part of Vinny's inheritance from their father. Adelina stood slightly behind Vinny, his words playing on repeat in her head: Be a good girl Adelina, don't screw this up for the family.

The Family, Vinny referenced was the Italian Mafia. A family Adelina was born into, but wanted no part of.

“You can't choose your family.” Her father had once told her.

"Lucian," Vinny gestured to the man and Adelina immediately felt sick in her stomach. "I'd like you to meet my sister, Adelina."


Vinny gave her very few rules while she stayed at school, but the most important one was no made men. Well Adelina had royally screwed that one, literally. She saw her life flash before her eyes, Vinny was going to kill her when Lucian spilled that she was spoiled goods. Her stomach ached just thinking of herself in such terms.

"Pleasure to meet you." Lucian extended his hand. He looked her over, taking in the plum colored dress and nude heels. Her hair was pulled back stylishly in a low bun.

She eyed him suspiciously. He wasn't going to say anything? It was rare in this world that people didn't use the information they had on someone to get ahead.

She took his hand in hers to shake, his palm was calloused and warm to the touch. "You too." She responded.