Page 46 of Velvet Lullabies

And finally, the DeCavalcante’s, the worst of the bunch. Their sons, Adriano and Emilio, might be worse than Leo. Their sister, Ava, trails behind them like a puppy with her legs tucked between her legs, which reminds Lucian of the way Adelina used to be treated, putting the DeCavalcante’s even lower in his book.

There’s this thing with men in the Mafia where they think their women should at home cooking and cleaning, or looking pretty on their arms.

But that’s not true.

Any good man would tell you that a woman should be treated like a queen. She deserves to have everything she wants in life.

And Adelina, well she’s the best of the them all.

Lucian couldn’t think of a woman who compared. She was gentle and kind. She talked to every person she was introduced to with a bright smile. She even danced with some of the little kids.

She was the light of the party.

Adelina in New York was completely different than at Massimo’s house in Providence. She was smothered there, constantly told what to do. Made to feel ashamed of herself.

But here?

She was free.

Lucian was slowly falling for this version of Adelina. Sure, he liked every version of her, but free Adelina? She was addictive. He could watch her all day.

“You’re staring.” Carlo said coming up behind him.

“I know.”

“You’re falling for her?”


Carlo shot him a look. “You know when I suggested that you go meet her, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I never intended to have you boys find love the way your mom and I did. I thought we were rare, an arrangement that worked so perfectly.” Carlo looked at his son than over to Adelina who was playing with his nephew Dante’s young daughter, Cleo. “But you two.” He sighed. “I think you’ll be okay.”

“I think so too, pa.”


“I see you’ve met princess Cleo.” Lucian said smiling as he approached his girl and his baby cousin. Cleo might have very well been the joy of their family. She was the first baby, and she was the spitting image of her father, Dante, with tanned skin, honey brown eyes, and a head of dark curls.

Dante was the second oldest of the cousins after Lucian. He met his wife, Mia, back in high school and married her after she got pregnant when she was 19 and Dante was 22. Nobody made a peep as Dante did the right thing, and now they were a young couple with a gorgeous 4-year-old daughter and Dante’s crew was bringing in quite a bit of money for the family.

Cleo’s eyes lit up. “I am a princess!” she shouted. “Miss A. Linda said so too!”

“Adelina.” Adelina corrected her.

She looked at her confused. “That’s what me said.”

Lucian chuckled.

“Where’s your auntie?” Lucian asked. Her aunt was Dante’s sister Daniella.

Cleo shrugged her shoulders.

“Right here.” Daniella waved her hand. “Apparently I’m chopped liver compared to the fancy new girl.” She smirked at Adelina.

“Ew. No liver.” Cleo announced.

“Sorry Daniella,” Adelina smiled. “But Cleo told me I’m a better dancer.” She shrugged.

“Oh,” Daniella jumped up from her chair. “I’m going to show you, Cleo!” She shouted grabbing a giggling 4-year-old and dragging her away.