Page 8 of Velvet Lullabies

"What do you study?"

"Literary Arts."

"And you like it?" he asks.

"Yes, a lot actually."

"Good, you should have a passion in life." He says with a genuine, soft smile.

"And what are you passionate about Lucian?"

"Many things, bella.” He chuckled.

The waitress returned with plates of food and fresh drinks. Her hips swaying as she placed the food in front of Lucian, and Adelina couldn’t help but feel a small pang in her chest.

"Where did you go to school?" she asked Lucian, determined to not be the only one being interviewed.

"Colombia." He told her, swirling his fork in the noodles and sauce on his plate.

Adelina gulped in surprise. She definitely didn't expect a mobster with a degree for a future husband.

"What for?"

His smile turned into smirk. "Criminal justice and business."

"Well then," she mused. "That's quite ironic."

"Quite." He responded before taking a bite of pasta.

"Can I ask you something?" she said after a minute.

"Of course, bella."

Adelina had a strong suspicion of what kind of business Lucian was into, but she wanted to hear it from his mouth. So far, he had been open to questions, so why not this one?

"What do you do exactly?"

Immediately Vinny choked on his drink beside her, and Massimo was quick to scold her.

"It's fine." Lucian said raising that hand to silence the table, again. He took a minute to school his features. "You're a smart girl, Adelina. I think you already know."

She inhaled deeply, her suspicions confirmed.

"I'd never put you in danger. " He added.

She sucked in a sharp breath. She knew exactly what he was referring to and she hated him for knowing and still sleeping with her last night.

Theo put her in danger just a few years ago. While no one would ever say it to Massimo, it was clear that others thought it. He’d lured the Irish to his home. She shuddered at the thought, if only they knew the truth.

She nodded, but refrained from responding.

Lucian picked up his napkin, folded it and placed it on the table. "Massimo, can I have a word with your niece privately please?"

"Sure, the office is just over there." Massimo gestured to Vinny's office towards the back of the restaurant. Vinny's face was getting more agitated by the second. Lucian placed a hand on the small of Adelina’s back as he led her toward the office.

"What the hell?" Adelina shouted as soon as Lucian closed the office door behind them.

"I beg your pardon?" he smirked (smirked!) at her outrage.