Page 74 of Velvet Lullabies

They had been in New York for a few days now. She was officially a graduate of Brown University with a degree in Literary Arts. A graduate with no job prospects and a gorgeous condo in New York City.

“Where are we going?” she whined.

“You’ll see.” He whispered into her ear, making all the hairs on her neck stand.

He led her from the Mercedes into a cold building that had a old bar smell to it. He sat her down in a hard, wooden chair. “You can take it off now.” He told her releasing the tie of the blindfold.

She was in a small closed bar. The floor had small pub tables, the bar was old and wooden with chairs lined up around it. In the back was a large stage with a piano already on it.

“What is this?” she asked running her fingers along the bar.

“Yours.” He answered.


“Yeah.” He came closer to her, wrapping his strong arms around her waist. “This is all yours, bella.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I bought you this bar, though we could re-vamp it and you could have open mic nights or whatever you want. You can manage it or we can hire someone, but it’s all yours.” He pulled out the papers for the place. “Everything is in your name.”

“Wow.” She scanned the place once more. “I can’t believe it.”

“I have one more surprise for you.”

She turned to face him again.

“Your father left you money. I set up an offshore account, it’s all yours so if you ever want to leave or whatever you want it’s there for you.”

Adelina as speechless. No one had ever given her this kind of freedom.

“Thank you.” She whispered. “But I think I’ll stay here for a while.”

Lucian gave her a sexy grin. “Thank God.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Are you ready?”

Lucian contemplated the question for a minute.

He had never imagined himself here. He never imagined being with someone who’d he wanted to make this leap with.

Now that he was here?

He wouldn’t have it any other fucking way.

“I’m ready.” He answered, turning to face his father.

Carlo looked dapper in a fitted tux, black Italian leather shoes, and smile the size of Texas.

“You know son, I don’t think I tell you this often, but I am proud of you.” He clapped a hand on Lucian’s shoulder. “And I am very happy to have Adelina in the family.”

Lucian smiled, yeah, he was too.


Adelina stared at herself in the large mirror in her bridal suite in the back of the church.