Page 66 of Velvet Lullabies

She huffed out a breath.

Yeah right.

She wouldn’t be safe anywhere.

It wasn’t like Lucian to beg, and part of her felt guilty for bringing him to this point, but another part of her didn’t give a shit.

“Fine.” She finally grumbled, grabbing her backpack on the pavement. “I’ll go.”

Enzo was already waiting in the jet for her, Lucian however, would be staying behind.


Maybe that’s why she was pissy, because the man who promised to protect and spend his life with her was once again going to be away from her.

Shouldn’t they be facing this obstacle as a team?

Wasn’t she more than a damsel in distress?

She boarded the jet with no more complaints, at least no more that she would voice out loud.


She had spent two whole days under the large down comforter in the Luchese guest bedroom. She was pretty sure that Lucian’s parents thought she was a slob. The room had begun to smell from the lack of showers she had taken. Annette checked in multiple times a day, each with some type of food that Adelina had barely touched. She brought in coffees, and teas, water and sodas and yet nothing had left the room empty.

She was sinking. She could feel her body getting weaker. Most of the time she slept, waking in cold sweats with a scream on the tip of her tongue. One time, Carlo rushed into the room when she was actually screaming.

A non-depressed version of herself might have felt embarrassed, but this version of Adelina took comfort in calming words and he sat with her until she fell back asleep.

In the moments when she was awake, all she thought about was the time she spent in that warehouse dungeon. She re-played the look on Niall’s face over and over again on a loop.

His anger.

She felt that too.

She was so angry.

At Massimo, for making her lie.

At Vinny, for forcing a marriage onto her.

At her father, for not being here for her.

And at Theo, for hurting her.

God, did he hurt her. She had loved him, loved him deeply at one point. Then he became so territorial. He saw her as an item, and object that belonged to him and when she no longer played his game he hurt her. Over and over again.

Her gut twisted when she thought of him. Instinctively he fingers traced over the small heart tattoo that covered her scar.

Love was supposed to be this deep connection that could never be broken, yet here she stood in its brokenness.

“Alright princess,” Enzo crashed through her door without even a knock. “You’re getting up now and we’re going outside.”

She groaned in response.

“You smell.” He said leaning on the bed. “And this isn’t healthy.”

“Leave me alone.” She pleaded, hiding herself further under the covers.