Page 64 of Velvet Lullabies

“Theo hurt me, not your son and when my father walked in…” she couldn’t find the rest of the words.

When her father walked in he shot him. So quickly he didn’t even blink.

Killing a made man was a death sentence, but killing the bosses’ son. That was even worse.

Niall put the pieces together, his face moving from confused to understanding.

“Massimo told me not to say anything, so I didn’t.”

Niall ran a hand down his face.

“I know this doesn’t change anything, but I’m sorry.”

Niall shook his head. “I get it now.”

Declan blew up his cheeks and the release all the air in a huff. “So, let me get this straight, he killed your boyfriend and your father and you protected him?”

Adelina sniffed back a tear. “I didn’t.. I couldn’t say anything. No one would have believed me anyway.”

Niall paced the small space. Back and forth silently for what seemed like forever.

Finally, smirking he walked over to Adelina.

“I bet you want payback for what he did to you.”

Her brows furrowed with confusion. “What?”

“Payback, girl. For this lie he forced on you. For what his son did to you.”

“I, uh..I don’t know.”

“Well sunshine,” he smiled. “Today’s your lucky day whether you want it or not.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

“What?” Lucian snarled into his ringing cellphone. Enzo knew he was about to walk into this warehouse so if he was calling him now it had better be good.

“They let her go.”


“Adelina, she just walked outside.”

Lucian hung up the phone quicker than he answered it and began running. The door to the warehouse was only fifty yards away, and if Adelina was there he was getting to her as quickly as possible.

His dress shoes hit the pavement in loud thuds but finally he arrived to her.

She was dressed in a small, tightly fitting black dress that was ripped along the bottom seam. Her feet were bare and she shielded her eyes as she adjusted to the sunnier exterior.

“Bella.” Lucian called as he got close to her.

She looked up at him with teary eyes and smeared makeup.

“You’re here.” She whispered.


He wrapped his arms around her and she collapsed in his arms.