Page 61 of Velvet Lullabies

“Liam’s here.” Enzo got to Boston first with a few trusted men from New York and had been scouting the place for a few hours before Lucian arrived with Vinny and the DelGado brothers. Vinny couldn’t be trusted at all in Lucian’s opinion, but the DelGado’s were good men to have on your side. Gian, was a fearless leader and a good shot. And Gio was an expert at getting in and out of places without anyone the wiser.

As far as plan went, this one was simple because there wasn’t much of one.

Make sure Adelina was there, then Gio would lead the way in breaking and entering, and Lucian would save her.


“Did he see you?” Lucian asked his brother.

“Nope. You said Niall was pissed when you met him, right? He hates her?”

“Him and his sons.”

“If they have her Luc, this is it. Liam’s come out a few times. No sign of Niall though, but if they want revenge they would do it themselves.”

Enzo was right. They blamed Adelina for the death Niall Jr. and if they’re going to hurt her, they’re not going to let somebody else do it. They’re going to do it themselves.

“We go in soon.”

“She’s there?” Vinny asked as soon as Lucian closed the call.

“Enzo think’s so.”

“That’s not good enough.” Vinny snorted.

Lucian raised his gaze to send Vinny a look. “It is for me.” He grabbed cocked his gun. “We’re not letting them tourer her anymore. If you don’t care to save her, feel free to stay behind. Gio, you’re coming with me.”

“I think this is a dumb move Luchese.” Vinny grumbled.

“Well good thing no one gives a fuck what you think.

“Fuck you, Luchese, she’s my sister.”

Lucian inhaled deeply. “She my fiancé, DeMarco. It’s your fault she’s in this mess, but I’m going to get her out.”

Carrying the gun close to his side, Lucian exited the car with Gio close behind.

There were only two outcomes Lucian could think of.

1. Save the girl.

2. Die trying.

Chapter Twenty-One




“Tell me something, girl. What did you think was going to happen?”

Adelina’s head felt like it was on fire. The skin around her mouth and nose burned like a bitch, and her temples throbbed with a heartbeat of their own.

“Tell me.” The voice said again, but she had no energy to look up to it.

Irish, she thought.